CONTENTS FEATURES 4 8 Harnessing SWIR Line Scan Imaging Technology Preventing Heat-Induced Image Warping in Machine Vision Line Scan Cameras APPLICATION BRIEFS 19 21 Designing Large Diameter Aspheres Micro Molding and Micro-Optics TECH BRIEFS 24 25 26 Novel Flexible Terahertz Camera Can Inspect Objects with Diverse Shapes Imaging Space Debris in High Resolution New Electron Microscopy Technique Offers First Look at Previously Hidden Processes SPECIAL SECTION Technology Leaders in Test & Measurement Systems 11 Making Laser Processes More Sustainable 14 Testing 800G Direct Modulated Optical Signaling DEPARTMENTS 28 NEW PRODUCTS ON THE COVER The larger the diameter of an optic, the more surface area there is to collect collimated light. Performance increases can be realized by using aspheric lenses as opposed to spherical lenses, but designers have been hesitant to design in aspheres with diameters larger than 100 mm because of concerns about manufacturability and the availability of suitable metrology equipment. However, with advancements in both manufacturing and metrology, aspheres as large as 200 mm are now commercially available. To learn more, read the applications brief that begins on page 19. (Image courtesy of Edmund Optics) Contact us today! 2 Photonics & Imaging Technology, May 2021 Free Info at Cov ToC