DEMOCRATIZING SIMULATION FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 has reduced drastically, since the early designs emerging due to the use of apps are much closer to the desired outcome. Frontloading of design evaluation means more mature designs that already meet the minimum requirements are passed on to the CAE team for finalization. Even crucial projects such as lightweighting and designing components for a target weight can be driven by the design team from the concept stage itself. More concept designs generated due to the modified process in turn leads to faster design finalization, which ultimately results in savings of both time and cost. The design team now has the tools to evaluate the proposed designs, allowing them to create innovative designs for upcoming and current projects. This has led to more innovation from various teams across M&M. » WHAT LIES AHEAD The use of compiled apps has enabled the team at M&M to truly democratize simulation across the organization. With the successful adoption of simulation apps for the design of various components in passenger vehicles, the M&M team plans to build on this momentum in the coming years. They plan to incorporate more load cases and metrics in the existing apps for optimum evaluation 16a COMSOL NEWS Intro Cov ToCToC + - A ➭ of concept designs. Newer and more stringent design targets will be accounted for in the apps, so that the resulting design is a step closer to the final expected design. The inclusion of relevant optimization parameters will further enhance the efficacy of these apps. ➮