DICE GRANULATE SHRED MILL/GRIND SLICE STRIP PUREE UC C G REDUCING ALL TYPES S OF INGREDIENTS NG D N S FOR O 'ON THE GO' SNACKS & TREATS Leading food processors count on Urschel machinery to reduce potatoes, candies, seeds, nuts, fruits, and a myriad of other ingredients to create all types of delicious, ready-to-eat snacks and treats. Π Contact Urschel to learn more: info@urschel.com Toll Free: +1.844.URSCHEL (877.2435) ǁǁǁ͘ƵƌƐĐŚĞů͘ĐŽŵ delivering precise cutting solutions VISIT OUR LISTING www.esourcebaking.com ® Urschel and The Global Leader in Food Cutting Technology are registered trademarks of Urschel Laboratories, Inc. U.S.A.http://www.urschel.com http://www.esourcebaking.com