Multivac, Investing in Support -- July 2020 - 6

t e c h n i c i a n w i t h a w a y t o v i r t u a l l y ac c e s s t h e
c u s t o m e r ' s m ac h i n e a n d i t s c o n t r o l s y s t e m s
a er the customer grants permission. This gives
the technician the opportunity to see first-hand
what is going on with the machine and suggest a
fix without stepping into the plant.
" S o o n t h is w ill b e c o m e t h e s t a n d a r d w it h
processing machines," Sarazen says. "Having
this ability will help the technicians solve a lot
of customer problems without having to travel

"New technologies will allow our service
specialists and technicians to help customers
perform a lot of their own adjustment and fixes,"
Sarazen says. "We are o ering our customers
services and technologies that no one else has
a v a ila b le t o d a y . N o o n e h a s t h e s e r v ic e b r e a d t h
and depth of knowledge as MULTIVAC. And, no
one is invested in the level of technical support
t e a m t h a t w e h a v e h e r e . I t 's a b o v e a n d b e y o n d
what any other company can o er to fully
support their customers."

ther technologies including augmented reality
(AR) are also being tested to help provide service
and support. Using special goggles, MULTIVAC's
new SCAN
® technology lays computergenerated images over the user's view of the real
world in this case, the view of the packaging
machine. The images, which are typically D
models, videos and other information, help
the in-house technician at the processing plant
quickly identify trouble spots and make fixes
and adjustments on the machines that might
have at one time required an in-person visit by a
service technician. Again, with the guidance of a
MULTIVAC service professional, processors can
get the help they need to maintain operations
and maximize output.

Multivac_June20_v1.indd 6

N Pomona Avenue

ansas City, M



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Multivac, Investing in Support -- July 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Multivac, Investing in Support -- July 2020

Multivac, Investing in Support -- July 2020 - 1
Multivac, Investing in Support -- July 2020 - 2
Multivac, Investing in Support -- July 2020 - 3
Multivac, Investing in Support -- July 2020 - 4
Multivac, Investing in Support -- July 2020 - 5
Multivac, Investing in Support -- July 2020 - 6