Prova - A Closer Look at Vanilla - 2

Growing Better Vanilla
The world undeniably loves vanilla, but there are
many liabilities associated with producing high-quality
natural vanilla extracts and flavors at a reliable price,
making it an unstable market that's up against strong
demand for the popular ingredient. Growing vanilla
is a complex and specialized task, involving handpollination, curing expertise and unique growing cycles
that contribute to its high cost. Farmers are at the
heart of the supply chain, with over 80,000 farmers
relying on the plant for their main source of income
in Madagascar, which is the world's top supplier. Poor
farming practices, like harvesting green vanilla pods
too early, rushing the curing process and single crop
dependency, along with issues ranging from theft to
poverty to labor rights to governance, are just a few of
the problems the industry faces.
Since 2013, prices have increased almost 20-fold.
The prediction for 2018 was that prices were to
decrease considerably; even though a slight drop in
prices has been observed, prices remain high due to
bad weather that contributed to a low flowering rate
as well as uncertainty concerning the quality and
volume that will be available for the next campaign.

These factors boost the market for alternatives like
synthetic vanilla flavors. The future of vanilla depends
on the industry's ability to urgently professionalize the
sector with innovative approaches that benefit local
vanilla farmers and incentivize them to produce higher
quality crops linked with sustainable market prices,
ultimately benefitting the whole supply chain.
Long-term success for the Madagascar region
demands a multi-stakeholder commitment to
applying a sustainability mindset to a set of issues
that range from environmental to economic to social.
Founded in 2015, the Sustainable Vanilla Initiative
(SVI) is a collaborative effort among more than 25
international companies, including major food brands
and flavor houses, to innovate the industry through
people-focused programs that train farmers on
how to produce high-quality vanilla for long-term
supply. Another vanilla industry partnership project,
Livelihoods Fund for Family Farming, is focused
on building resilient communities and ecosystems
through innovative farming models that work to triple
farmer's revenues over a 10-year period with highquality, sustainable, traceable vanilla.


Prova - A Closer Look at Vanilla

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Prova - A Closer Look at Vanilla

Prova - A Closer Look at Vanilla - 1
Prova - A Closer Look at Vanilla - 2
Prova - A Closer Look at Vanilla - 3
Prova - A Closer Look at Vanilla - 4
Prova - A Closer Look at Vanilla - 5
Prova - A Closer Look at Vanilla - 6