Sprinkle on Some Sparkle - Watson May 2018 - 6

Innovation Opportunity:
Limited-Edition Products
Limited-edition foods create an urgency for consumers to purchase.
Around the holidays, shoppers are often willing to dig deeper into
their pockets to purchase items to help them feel festive. Sports-and
team-decorated foods provide spirit while seasonal items create ambiance. With Edible Glitter, the base item-that proven recipe craved
by your customers-need not change, just the Edible Glitter. Chefs and
foodservice operators can also use Edible Glitter to make prepared foods
more festive. Fragile applications designed for immediate consumption
can shimmer and shine when Edible Glitter is added. It's also a great way
to add some extra flavor. Think peppermint-flavored Christmas trees and
pumpkin-flavored jack-o-lanterns.

Innovation Opportunity:
Layering on Flavor
First and foremost, Edible Glitter is designed to add color and provide
sparkle to foods. But it's also a useful tool to add a layer of flavor, a flavor
that may not be appreciated-or even desired-as part of the base item.
When delivered as a topping, Edible Glitter provides an extra little something to get the consumer craving more. Think butter popcorn with a
dusting of chipotle-flavored smoky red glitter or chocolate cheesecake
topped with vanilla bean-flavored hearts. Edible Glitter is also a fun way
to add excitement to mix-ins used in dual-compartment yogurts, especially those for children. Think plain, unsweetened yogurt with a sidecar
of strawberry-flavored red stars and mini milk chocolate chips. Sugar
stays low while flavor and color explodes.

About Watson Inc.
Founded in 1939, family-owned Watson Inc., West Haven, Conn., develops
and markets innovative, quality products and ingredient systems for the
food and supplement industries with the goal of enhancing human health
and nutrition around the world. Today the company is run by the third generation-James, Gavin, Mary and Moira-in 220,000 square feet of building
space with more than 330 employees.


The company's expertise includes dry blending, nutrient premixes, microencapsulation, agglomeration, micronizing, spray drying and film technology.
In the early 1960s, Watson's research and development team pioneered
soluble and edible film technology. The company currently produces films
on two state-of-the-art stainless-steel drying lines. It is this technology
that makes Watson the leader in colored, flavored and shaped edible glitter
For more information on Edible Glitter, visit www.edibleglitter.com.

http://www.watson-inc.com http://www.edibleglitter.com

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Sprinkle on Some Sparkle - Watson May 2018

Sprinkle on Some Sparkle - Watson May 2018 - 1
Sprinkle on Some Sparkle - Watson May 2018 - 2
Sprinkle on Some Sparkle - Watson May 2018 - 3
Sprinkle on Some Sparkle - Watson May 2018 - 4
Sprinkle on Some Sparkle - Watson May 2018 - 5
Sprinkle on Some Sparkle - Watson May 2018 - 6