London Inc. September 2021 - 13

The Specialized Recruiting Group, an Express Employment Professionals
divi-sion, takes an individualized approach to professional placement
THE LABOUR MARKET is in an interesting place these days.
The turbulent seas brought about by the pandemic are calming
to a degree, but the market is still adapting to the changes it
brought about.
Some workers at the end of their careers are eyeing an early
retirement; others in mid-career may have picked up temporary
work in a new industry and might be looking to jump back into
their old careers; others still might be looking to switch career
tracks in search of a pay bump.
Change is in the air, and while that can mean exciting new
things for both workers and employers, it might be more difficult
to navigate hiring and recruitment at your com-pany.
Express Employment Professionals, a global leader in
employment and recruiting so-lutions, has responded with
the creation of the Specialized Recruiting Group division - a
well-honed recruitment department that can help guide your
business through its next hiring round, reducing your risk and
saving you time and money in the process.
" With a lot of people leaving the workforce, there's already
been a bit of a crunch in terms of not having enough trained individuals, "
says James Norris, co-owner of the London Express
Employment Professionals franchise. " It's going to become
even more tough for companies to find skilled individuals. "
The Specialized Recruiting Group's expertise centres around
finding the right profes-sionals for the right jobs, and helps
businesses move past the online " post and pray " approach that
can often inundate your hiring manager with resumes they don't
have the time to properly examine and screen.
And at a time when the economic recovery still feels fragile,
and where hiring deci-sions need to be made quickly and, more
importantly, accurately, working with the Specialized Recruiting
Group can help your business land the right people.
" Having a workforce management partner like Express helps
address the risk in hir-ing, " says co-owner, Mike Elliott. " We're
filling all of those roles right now, where the companies that
we're working with right now want them filled yesterday. "
In a growth environment or an economic recovery,
businesses need to work harder and smarter to attract the best
talent to their organization; the decisions can make the difference
between capitalizing on the recovery ― or chasing it.
" As things have now started to ramp up, companies are
growing and need additional staff, " says Norris. " It's going to
become even tougher for companies to find skilled individuals.
Workers themselves are finding that it's very much shifted
into a candi-date's market. It has gone back to a head-hunting
approach, where we need to find those candidates. "
What Express and the Specialized Recruiting Group offer is
confidence: confidence that your next hire will be a good fit
within the organization; confidence that you're not wasting
time and missing good candidates sifting through hundreds of
resumes; and confidence that your next employee could turn
out to be a career-long partner in business.
" It's what we call the permanent placement wall, " says Elliott
- referring to a wall in their London office celebrating what they
see as a key success metric: people they've placed in permanent
positions. And that wall is filling up, fast, Elliott says - with
almost 200 placements and more being added all the time.
It's a reminder of what Express Employment values: getting
people into positions that suit them, in jobs where they feel
stable, safe and secure. It's a wall that's been getting a lot of
use lately, as Express and the Specialized Recruiting Group are
having one of their strongest years on record, Elliott says.
" We think it's about to get busier, too. "
300 Dundas Street, Suite 200 * 519- 672-7620 * *

London Inc. September 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of London Inc. September 2021

London Inc. September 2021 - 1
London Inc. September 2021 - 2
London Inc. September 2021 - 3
London Inc. September 2021 - 4
London Inc. September 2021 - 5
London Inc. September 2021 - 6
London Inc. September 2021 - 7
London Inc. September 2021 - 8
London Inc. September 2021 - 9
London Inc. September 2021 - 10
London Inc. September 2021 - 11
London Inc. September 2021 - 12
London Inc. September 2021 - 13
London Inc. September 2021 - 14
London Inc. September 2021 - 15
London Inc. September 2021 - 16
London Inc. September 2021 - 17
London Inc. September 2021 - 18
London Inc. September 2021 - 19
London Inc. September 2021 - 20
London Inc. September 2021 - 21
London Inc. September 2021 - 22
London Inc. September 2021 - 23
London Inc. September 2021 - 24
London Inc. September 2021 - 25
London Inc. September 2021 - 26
London Inc. September 2021 - 27
London Inc. September 2021 - 28
London Inc. September 2021 - 29
London Inc. September 2021 - 30
London Inc. September 2021 - 31
London Inc. September 2021 - 32
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London Inc. September 2021 - 34
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