ADVERTISERS INDEX COMPANY NAME Ergon, Inc. ExxonMobil Chemical Heritage - Crystal Clean AD PAGE # CONTACT PHONE EMAIL 5 Kathy Potts 601-933-3148 Inside Back Sean Foley 832-624-4139 25 Matt Munz 317-474-9475 HollyFrontier Lubricants & Specialty Products Inside Cover Robert Plummer 484-362-0610 Motiva Back Cover Shella Szymanski 713-277-8000 Russell Boone 832-765-1763 Pure Performance® Base Oils 21 Hi ghQ ual i ty GroupI IBaseOi l s Heri tageCrystalCl eanwi thour re-refi neryl ocatedcentral l yi n I ndi anapol i s, I Ni sproudtobean acti vem em berofI LM A. Our46mi l l i ongal l onsofHi ghQual i t yGr oupI I bas eoi l sar e des i gneds oy ourfini s hedpr oduc t swi l l ex c eedt hehi ghes t qual i t yper f or manc el ev el sandi ndus t r ys t andar dsf orAPI l i c ens ed PCMO and HDEO pr oduc t s . Theyc an al s o be us edi nmi ni ngflui ds ,agr i c ul t ur alpr oduc t s ,andal lot her i ndus t r i alappl i c at i onsaswel last hemanuf ac t ur eofVI I mpr ov er sandexpl os i v es . Ti ght l yc ont r ol l edNOACKv ol at i l i t y ,vi s c os i t y ,ands i gni fic ant l y i mpr ov edl ow t emper at ur ec ol dc r anki ngat30Cf or5W gr ades Sat ur at el ev el shav ei nc r eas eds ubs t ant i al l yandpr ovi de maxi mum s ol ubi l i t y Ex c ept i onaloxi dat i ons t abi l i t ywi t hmuc hhi gherVi s c os i t yI ndex Suppl yc hai nflexi bi l i t y:PCMO,HDEO,I ndus t r i alandMar i ne c r ys t al c l ean. c om 25