EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 27

Gas Permeable Care systems: What is Available?
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this article has been submitted for one continuing education credit unit with the national contact lens examiners (ncle). all technical articles that appear in EyeWitness for c.e. credit can also be found at the clsa University at www.clsa.info. Online, CLsA members can complete these courses for FrEE, and nonmembers pay just $18 per course. completed c.e. tests that are faxed or mailed-in to clsa at 441 carlisle Drive, Herndon, Va 20170, fax (703) 437-0727, will carry a $10 processing fee for clsa members, and a $25 fee for nonmembers. cUP 137

credit card: ❑ american express ❑ Discover ❑ mastercard ❑ Visa card number _________________________________________________________ signature ______________________________________ exp. Date _____________ 1. Which type of cleaner should be used on plasma treated GP lenses? a. abrasive b. enzymatic only c. surfactant only d. no cleaner should be used 2. Which lubricating drop contains Ocupure? a. refresH liQUGel b. oPtimUm wetting and rewetting c. Boston rewetting Drops d. Blink contacts 3. the surface of a GP lens is: a. both hydrophobic and hydrophilic b. neither hydrophobic or hydrophilic c. porous and absorbs water d. hydrophobic only 4. A solution that cleans, disinfects and lubricates a lens by itself is: a. multiple solution b. multipurpose c. plasma treated d. multi-step 5. A GP material containing more of this will deposit quicker than other material. a. fluorine b. Pmma c. silicone d. Hema 6. How often can you enzymatically clean a GP lens? a. weekly b. monthly c. twice a week d. as often as needed 7. the benzol alcohol in a cleaner will: a. act as an emulsifier b. act as an abrasive c. act as a lubricant d. have no effect on protein 8. When using a multipurpose solution, the package insert recommends: a. the lenses be rinsed thoroughly with water prior to inserting in the eye b. no digital rub as it may alter the lens parameters c. the lenses be rinsed with additional multipurpose solution during cleaning d. no enzymatic cleaning should ever be done with multipurpose solutions
EyEWitnEss summEr 2010 |

9. multiple solution systems: a. are less effective but increase compliance b. are more effective but compliance is usually reduced c. are simpler and cheaper d. are no longer available 10. Which system recommends against adding an additional enzyme cleaner? a. Boston original formula b. Boston advance formula c. optifree GP d. optimum by lobob 11. Which deposit is typically clear and has the consistency of vegetable oil? a. lipids b. proteins c. calciums d. mucins 12. When did GP materials first arrive on the market? a. 1950s b. 1960s c. 1970s d. 1980s 13. if a GP patient notices an increased dry feeling after adding a lubricant to his routine, you may wish to: a. switch to a multipurpose care system b. switch him to a completely non-preserved lubricant c. have the patient insert his lenses with water only d. discontinue wear, the patient obviously isn’t a cl candidate 14. Which care system is designed to mimic the PH Balance of the human eye? a. Boston simplus b. optimum by lobob c. Boston advance d. optifree GP 15. After using an abrasive cleaner, you should soak your GP lenses for: a. 15 minutes b. 1 hour c. 4 hours d. overnight

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c o n ta c t l e n s s o c i e t y o f a m e r i c a


w w w. c l s a . i n f o

C 19. A B 27 D

20. A B C D


EyeWitness Summer 2010

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of EyeWitness Summer 2010

EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 1
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 2
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 1
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 2
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 3
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 4
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 5
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 6
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 7
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 8
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 9
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 10
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 11
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 12
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 13
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 14
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 15
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 16
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 17
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 18
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 19
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 20
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 21
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 22
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 23
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 24
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 25
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 26
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 27
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 28
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 29
EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 30
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EyeWitness Summer 2010 - 34