Journal of Oral Implantology June 2014 - (Page 271)

CLINICAL A Method for Fabrication of Implant-Supported Fixed Partial Dentures Gregory-George Zafiropoulos, DDS1* Oliver Hoffmann, DDS, MSc2 Georgio Deli, DDS, DMD3 When restoring a partially edentulous arch with an implant-supported fixed partial denture, the optimal fit and function of the final restoration depend on the fabrication of an accurate impression and the registration of the interocclusal relationship. The present case report presents a method for the fabrication of impressions and the registration of the interocclusal relationship for implant-supported partial dentures. The described method allows the accurate transfer of the implant position and the registration of the interocclusal relationship using transfer key and electroformed gold copings. The key and copings were used to transfer the intraoral implant position to the cast, to position the abutments intraorally, and to facilitate the fabrication of the final partial denture. Key Words: dental implants, fixed partial implant dentures/FPD, impression transfer, interocclusal relationship, maxillomandibular relationship, electroformed copings, CAD/CAM INTRODUCTION D uring the restoration of partially edentulous arches with implant-retained fixed partial dentures (FPDs), several procedural steps may influence the fit and function of the suprastructure. These include: (1) the correct transfer of the implant position, (2) the correct transfer of vertical height and maintenance of the maxillomandibular relationship, (3) the determination of optimal occlusion, and (4) the correct shaping and angulation of the implant abutments.1-4 This case report is presented to introduce a method of restoration with FPDs that allows the transfer of the correct implant position, interocclu- 1 ¨ Blaues Haus Dental Center, Dusseldorf, Germany. Department of Periodontics, University of Loma Linda, Loma Linda, Calif. 3 Division of Periodontology, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy. * Corresponding author, e-mail: DOI: 10.1563/AAID-JOI-D-11-00048 sal relationship, and occlusal recording, as well as the provisional restoration of the implants. CASE REPORT A 62-year-old man with a partially edentulous left posterior mandible presented in the office of one of the authors (G.G.Z.) in 2008 for implant placement and prosthetic restoration. Teeth number 19-21 had been extracted due to root caries 5 years previously. Two screw cylinder implants (straight line, 3.75-mm diameter, 11.5-mm length, Dentegris, Duisburg, Germany) were placed without augmentation in the areas of teeth number 19 and number 21. After the elevation of a full-thickness flap, the implant site was prepared at 875 rpm, and the implants were placed manually at a torque of 35 Ncm, following a 2-step surgical protocol. Prosthetic restoration with an implant-retained FPD was planned. 2 Procedure The implants were uncovered 8 weeks after placement, healing abutments were placed, and a closed-tray impression was taken using a transfer Journal of Oral Implantology 271

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Journal of Oral Implantology June 2014

Controlled Early Inflammation and Bone Healing—Potential New Treatments
Zygomatic Implants: The Impact of Zygoma Bone Support on Biomechanics
A Comparative Study on Microgap of Premade Abutments and Abutments Cast in Base Metal Alloys
Topical Simvastatin Improves the Pro-Angiogenic and Pro-Osteogenic Properties of Bioglass Putty in the Rat Calvaria Critical-Size Model
Assessment of the Correlation Between Insertion Torque and Resonance Frequency Analysis of Implants Placed in Bone Tissue of Different Densities
Benefits of Rehabilitation With Implants in Masticatory Function: Is Patient Perception of Change in Accordance With the Real Improvement?
A Method for Fabrication of Implant-Supported Fixed Partial Dentures
Safe Sinus Lift: Use of Acrylic Stone Trimmer to Avoid Sinus Lining Perforation
The Effects of Sinus Membrane Pathology on Bone Augmentation and Procedural Outcome Using Minimal Invasive Antral Membrane Balloon Elevation
Cellular Responses to Metal Ions Released From Implants
A Two-Stage Surgical Approach to the Treatment of Severe Peri-Implant Defect: A 30-Month Clinical Follow-Up Report
Eight-Year Follow-Up of a Fixed-Detachable Maxillary Prosthesis Utilizing an Attachment System: Clinical Protocol for Individuals With Skeletal Class III Malocclusions
Active Implant Peri-Apical Lesion: A Case Report Treated Via Guided Bone Regeneration With a 5-year Clinical and Radiographic Follow-up
Flapless Implant Placement: A Case Report
Active Implant Periapical Lesions Leading to Implant Failure: Two Case Reports
A Review of Platelet Derived Growth Factor Playing Pivotal Role in Bone Regeneration

Journal of Oral Implantology June 2014