Journal of Oral Implantology August 2014 - (Page 485)

CASE REPORT An Overview of Zirconia Dental Implants: Basic Properties and Clinical Application of Three Cases ¨ ¨ Merve Bankoglu Gungor, DDS, PhD1* ˘ Cemal Aydın, DDS, PhD1 Handan Yılmaz, DDS, PhD1 ¨ Esma Basak Gul, DDS, PhD2 x Due to the possible aesthetic problems of titanium implants, the developments in ceramic implant materials are increasing. Natural tooth colored ceramic implants may be an alternative to overcome aesthetic problems. The purpose of this article is to give information about the basic properties of dental zirconia implants and present 3 cases treated with two-piece zirconia implants. Two-piece zirconia dental implants, 4.0 mm diameter and 11.5 mm in length, were inserted into maxillary incisor region. They were left for 6 months to osseointegrate. Panoramic and periapical radiographs were obtained and examined for bone-implant osseointegration. During the follow-up period the patients were satisfied with their prosthesis and no complication was observed. Key Words: dental implants, zirconia, zirconium oxide INTRODUCTION S ince their introduction over 40 years ago, dental implants have been used to support fixed or removable dentures and have become an established treatment modality.1,2 Pure titanium is generally used for dental implants because of its biocompatibility and suitability for tooling.3,4 Using conventional titanium implants to replace missing teeth may often be perceived through the peri-implant mucosa impairing aesthetic outcomes and can cause an unaesthetic appearence because of the dark colour of titanium.5-7 Also, the implant head may be visible because of soft tissue shrinkage, recessions, and peri-implant lesions.5,8 Further, although titanium has resistance to corrosion, investigations have shown increased titanium concentration in bone near titanium implants9 and in regional lymph nodes-but clinical findings are 1 Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey. 2 Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Inonu University, Malatya, Turkey. * Corresponding author, e-mail: DOI: 10.1563/AAID-JOI-D-12-00109 not yet clear10-and after contact with saliva, galvanic side effect of titanium is also described.11 In the late 1960s, ceramic implants made of Al2O3 (polycrystals or single crystal) have been considered as an alternative treatment for improved aesthetics.12-14 The first ceramic oral implant was crystalline bone screw implants produced by Sandhaus, who later introduced the Cerasand oral implant.13-15 In the middle of the 1970s, the implant ¨ known as the ''Tubingen Implant (Frialit 1)'' was ¨ introduced.13,16-20 A decade after the Tubingen Implant, the Bionit implant system and, in the earlyto mid-1980s, ceramic anchor implants were produced. Aside from polycrystalline aluminium oxide, single crystal alumina (sapphire)-known as the ''Bioceram implant''-has also been used as an implant material.13,21-26 These implants needed large geometric dimensions, so the indication of these implants was limited. However, their surface qualities achieved predictable bone and soft tissue healing.26 Aluminium oxide- or alumina-based implants are osseointegrated well, but they are not avaliable in the market because of their insufficient physical properties during long-term load.12,13 In recent years, zirconia (Y-TZP; yttria tetragonal Journal of Oral Implantology 485

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Journal of Oral Implantology August 2014

Helping, Rather Than Criticizing, a Colleague May Lead to a Lifetime of Referrals
Utilization of Ethyl Cyanoacrylate and 2-Octyl Cyanoacrylate Adhesives for Autogenous Bone Graft Fixation: Histomorphometric Study in Rats
Conventional Versus Implant-Retained Overlay Dentures: A Pilot Study of Masseter and Anterior Temporalis Electromyography
Axial Relationship Between Dental Implants and Teeth/Implants: A Radiographic Study
The Effect of Dynamic Loading on Bacterial Colonization of the Dental Implant Fixture–Abutment Interface: An In Vitro Study
Longitudinal Implant Stability Measurements Based on Resonance Frequency Analysis After Placement in Healed or Regenerated Bone
A Clinical Report on the Use of Closed-Tray, Hex-Lock-Friction-Fit Implant Impression Copings
Immediate Restoration of NobelActive Implants Placed Into Fresh Extraction Sites in the Anterior Maxilla
Clinical Study of Flap Design to Increase the Keratinized Gingiva Around Implants: 4-Year Follow-Up
Use of Subepithelial Connective Tissue Graft as a Biological Barrier: A Human Clinical and Histologic Case Report
Calvarial Autogenous Bone Graft for Maxillary Ridge and Sinus Reconstruction for Rehabilitation With Dental Implants
Staged Ridge Splitting Technique for Horizontal Expansion in Mandible: A Case Report
An Overview of Zirconia Dental Implants: Basic Properties and Clinical Application of Three Cases
Dental Gypsum Verification Jig to Verify Implant Positions: A Clinical Report
Platelet-Rich Preparations to Improve Healing. Part I: Workable Options for Every Size Practice
Platelet-Rich Preparations to Improve Healing. Part II: Platelet Activation and Enrichment, Leukocyte Inclusion, and Other Selection Criteria

Journal of Oral Implantology August 2014