Grand Valley Magazine - (Page 23)

Eric VanMiddendorp, left, was selected to work on product design and development for Spectrum-Community T2. Nick Ullery, '03, is pictured researching a medical device. The project has received a 14-month grant for more than $71,000 from the Michigan Initiative for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, a consortium of the 15 Michigan public universities to provide gap funding and help launch start-up companies. GVSU Innovation Team The project called for the creation of a Grand Valley student/faculty "Innovation Team," comprised of an engineering graduate student, an MBA student and an entrepreneurin-residence. The team is working with SHI to find three to five projects to move toward commercialization. Nick Ullery, 24, earned a bachelor's degree in management and finance from Grand Valley in 2003. He is currently enrolled in Grand Valley's full-time integrated MBA (FIMBA) program and was selected to handle market research and assessment and prototyping for the project. "I've started doing basic research to determine whether a project is feasible," said Ullery. "I'm checking on patents and determining whether it makes sense to purchase a patent for a potential idea." Ullery has been shadowing doctors and nurses at Spectrum, observing any day-to-day challenges they face. "I'm looking for ways to make their job easier and for ways to provide better outcomes for patients," he said. Ullery said he is excited to be part of the project and feels prepared for the challenge. "I learned how to analyze companies as an undergraduate, and in the FIMBA program I learned how to create a company, conduct market research and determine restrictions," he said. Eric VanMiddendorp, 22, is a graduate student in Grand Valley's engineering program, majoring in product design and manufacturing and minoring in biomedical engineering. He is responsible for product design and development. "I have been observing doctors and nurses in different areas of the hospital with Nick, taking note of how we might solve certain problems," said VanMiddendorp. "I am looking at the feasibility of solving various problems and trying to generate solutions and concepts that can carry through to a prototype." The Grand Rapids native is used to vetting and developing projects. As an undergraduate, he worked with a team of students to design a control system for a standing frame for those who can't sit or stand on their own. The device closely mimics the standing motion for maximum therapeutic benefit. "The engineering professors at Grand Valley are very knowledgeable " his is a fantastic T opportunity for students and the health care community in West Michigan," Ryan Jankovic, CEO at Enterprise Medical Products and extremely helpful. It's good to know I can lean on the expertise of my professors during this process," he said. Ryan Jankovic, CEO at Enterprise Medical Products, will serve as the entrepreneur-in-residence and provide oversight to the process. "This is a fantastic opportunity for students and the health care community in West Michigan," said Jankovic. "Some overlook the fact that Spectrum is a world-class 23 Grand Valley Magazine

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Grand Valley Magazine

Table of Contents
Campus News
Donor Impact
Art of the Possible
One Book Carries Discussions Beyond Classroom
One Million Hours
Power Trio Turns Ideas Into Companies
Q&A Renee Freeman
Off the Path
Focal Point
Alumni News

Grand Valley Magazine