NAILBA Perspectives - July/August 2014 - (Page 34)

XXX nailba's agency successor networking group Shared Knowledge is Power F Have you been identified as the next sitting principal of your agency? The ASNG Planning Team works diligently to reach out to others in the industry who have transition experience and are willing to share what they learned in the process. Contact Rachel Marineau, CMP, NAILBA's Manager of Meetings and Education, at 703.383.3069 or for more information on the Agency Successor Networking Group. 34 perspectives JULY/AUGUST 2014 acing the unknown in the business world can be an unsettling experience. How do you put together a plan to handle a situation you've never faced before, one that's out of your current skill set? Without a trusted mentor to guide you through such times, where else do you turn for advice? For those preparing to enter the ownership role in a brokerage agency, they turn to NAILBA's Agency Successor Networking Group (ASNG). Over the last few years this group has continued to foster business and personal relationships that further their growth as owners and as leaders. Once a month this prestigious group comes together to engage in an open forum. Issues such as keeping the business running while transitioning leadership give those who have been through or begun the process the opportunity to share with those about to embark on the journey. There is wisdom exchanged and lessons are shared. Being knowledgeable about technology that propels the business forward can be challenging-staying on top of such trends and knowing all the nuances is quite a task. But when it is shared among a larger brain trust the burden is lessened, insight is gained, and camaraderie is established. In the coming months the group looks to continue to share what's working best for their own businesses in the areas of organizational tools for marketers, new tools in technology, enhancing marketing efforts, as well as various aspects of working through a transition as it affects the staff, beginning work on the next succession plan, and the possible change in office culture as the new owner steps into their new role. With the transferal of knowledge from those who have been in the trenches to those who are getting ready to take the field, the lessons deepen and grow richer as they change hands. As members impart their knowledge to others, the strengths of one become beneficial to the others. And the sharing of talents and experiences reinforces not only the growing relationships among the participants but their own skill sets as well. Would you benefit from becoming a contributing member of this group? The Agency Successor Networking Group (ASNG) is encouraging eligible NAILBA members to become part of the group. The ASNG is comprised of members who will go through an ownership transition in the next 1-5 years. The goal of this networking group is to provide leadership, management, and skill training to ensure the success of these new agency leaders, while allowing them to build a network and support group of other new leaders to help them grow their agencies in the years to come. NAILBA will be opening enrollment for membership in the ASNG this July. Watch NAILBA Now and the NAILBA website for the application and details. Members of the ASNG should be sure to mark their calendars and watch for more details of the ASNG events taking place during the Annual Meeting. Don't miss this chance to catch up in person with fellow members you met last year as well as those who have joined the group since the ASNG's last official meeting in 2013. We hope everyone will be able to make it to NAILBA 33. For those unable to make the meeting in November, make sure to mark your calendars for the next few months' worth of ASNG teleconferences which take place on the first Wednesday of each month.

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NAILBA Perspectives - July/August 2014

NAILBA Perspectives - July/August 2014
Chairman’s Corner
CEO Insights
Social Skills
NAILBA 33 Preview
NAILBA Charitable Foundation
Life Happens
The Remote or Virtual Office
Member Profiles
Mooers Award Nominations
Agency Successor Networking Group
Agency Resources
BGAs Leading Technology Through Connections
Reading Ahead
Calendar of Events
Index of Advertisers

NAILBA Perspectives - July/August 2014