2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 41


Operating too closely to swimmers or divers
Operating near dams
Cutting through a regatta or marine parade
Overloading a boat
Allowing passengers to ride on the bow, gunwale or transom
while underway

Boating While Intoxicated

No one may operate a vessel on the
waters of NYS while impaired or intoxicated
either through the consumption of alcohol
or drugs. An operator with a blood alcohol level of 0.08 or higher
is considered legally intoxicated. New York law prescribes heavy
fines, imprisonment, and the suspension of operator privileges
for violators. In New York, if you are stopped for the suspicion of
impaired operation and refuse to voluntarily submit to a breath
test, your privilege to operate may be immediately suspended,
pending a hearing.

Zero Tolerance

New York, in an effort to send a clear message to
our young citizens that underage drinking will not be
tolerated, has enacted legislation, for those under 21
years of age, providing for the suspension or revocation of operating privileges if caught drinking while
operating a vessel.
It is important to realize that particularly on the water, even small
amounts of alcohol may greatly impair one's ability to function in
three critical areas: balance, coordination, and judgment. Compound
this with such environmental stressors such as glare, heat, vibration,
and engine noise, one can become quickly fatigued thus slowing
your reaction time.
We must always keep in mind that a boat is an unstable platform, and since a large percentage of fatalities occur from falling
overboard. Alcohol will also decrease your coordination. Drinking
also impairs your ability should you find yourself unexpectedly
immersed in the water. Many a good swimmer has drowned
because alcohol distorted their ability to orient themselves


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2018 New York State Boater's Guide

Table of Contents
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - Cover1
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - Cover2
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 1
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 2
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 3
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 4
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - Table of Contents
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 6
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 7
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 8
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 9
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 10
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 11
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 12
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 13
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 14
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 15
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 16
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 17
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 18
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 19
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 20
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 21
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 22
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 23
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 24
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 25
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 26
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 27
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 28
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2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 30
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 31
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2018 New York State Boater's Guide - 51
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2018 New York State Boater's Guide - Cover3
2018 New York State Boater's Guide - Cover4