Hospital Pharmacy - September 2017 - 533


Baker and Kim
Table 1. Comparison of the Selective, Reversible MAO-B Inhibitors Approved for the Treatment of Parkinson Disease.2-4


Trade name (manufacturer)
Generic available
FDA approval year
Dosage forms available

Azilect (Teva Pharmaceuticals)

Xadago (US WorldMeds)


Treatment of Parkinson
disease as monotherapy or
as adjunct therapy with or
without levodopa
MAO-B inhibitor

Treatment of Parkinson disease
in patients experiencing "off"
episodes, as adjunctive therapy
to carbidopa/levodopa
MAO-B inhibitor; sodium/calcium/
glutamate inhibitor

Mechanism of action

Eldepryl, Zelapar (Various)
Capsules, tablets, orally
disintegrating tablets
Treatment of Parkinson
disease as adjunct therapy
to carbidopa/levodopa
MAO-B inhibitor

Note. MAO-B = monoamine oxidase type B; FDA = Food and Drug Administration.

they were originally distributed as the parent safinamide
Taking safinamide with food slows absorption (Tmax 3.254.83 hours). However, food did not affect area under the
curve (AUC) or maximum plasma concentration.2,13,17 The
absolute bioavailability of safinamide is 95%, and first-pass
metabolism is negligible.17
Safinamide is distributed well into tissues. The volume
of distribution is 165 L.2,15,18 Plasma protein binding is 88%
to 89%.2
Safinamide does not inhibit cytochrome P450 (CYP-450)
2C9, 2C19, 2D6, 2E1, and 3A4 isoforms. It does inhibit
CYP1A1/2 to a negligible extent.13
Safinamide undergoes extensive hepatic metabolism,
with only approximately 5% of the drug eliminated
unchanged, mainly in the urine.2,15 Major enzymes involved
in the metabolism of safinamide are MAO-B, amidase, aldehyde dehydrogenase, and uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase, with minor contributions from CYP3A4 and
Metabolism of safinamide results in the major forms
N-dealkylated acid and deaminated acid, and in the
minor forms N-dealkylated glycine conjugate and
2-[4-hydroxylbenzylamino]-propanamide. None of these
metabolites have been shown to be therapeutically active
compounds.2,17,18 While the half-life of safinamide is 20 to
26 hours, the half-life of circulating safinamide metabolites
is longer (about 80 hours).2,18
Clearance is 4.6 to 5.8 L/h after oral exposure and 4.8
L/h after IV exposure.2,15,17,18 Clearance of safinamide
and its metabolites occurs mainly via the kidneys (76%
to 84%).2,15,18
Steady-state levels for safinamide are reached in 5 to 6
days, with a corresponding half-life of 20 to 26 hours.2,13,15,18
The half-life of safinamide is not affected by the route of
administration; exposure to oral safinamide (taken with or
without food) and IV safinamide both resulted in a half-life
of 26 hours.17

Comparative Efficacy
Indication: Add-On Therapy for Management of
Parkinson Disease
Guideline: The scientific and clinical basis for the treatment of Parkinson disease
Reference: Olanow CW, et al, 200919
Comments: The guideline recommends starting a neuroprotective agent at the time of diagnosis. Drugs that have
demonstrated neuroprotective effects include selegiline,
rasagiline, coenzyme Q10, pramipexole, and ropinirole;
however, no agents have conclusively demonstrated neuroprotective or disease-modifying effects in Parkinson
disease to date. The guideline also recommends starting
an agent for symptomatic therapy at the time of diagnosis
or soon thereafter. Levodopa is the agent most commonly
used for symptom management of Parkinson disease and
others include dopamine agonists (eg, pramipexole, ropinirole), catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitors (eg, entacapone), MAO-B inhibitors (eg, selegiline,
rasagiline), amantadine, and anticholinergics. Safinamide
is mentioned in the guidelines as a promising agent for
symptomatic therapy because it is the only MAO-B inhibitor studied as an add-on to levodopa and/or dopamine
Drug: Safinamide vs Placebo
Reference: Stocchi F, et al, 200420
Study Design: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter, dose-ranging study
Study Funding: Newron Pharmaceuticals
Patients: 167 patients 30 to 72 years of age with idiopathic Parkinson disease (Hoehn and Yahr stage I or II)
for a maximum of 5 years. Patients who were treatment


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Hospital Pharmacy - September 2017

Pharmacy Transitions of Care and Culture
Bivalirudin Medication Use Evaluation and Cost Savings Initiative
Navigating the New Antimicrobial Stewardship Regulations
Biosimilar Substitution Laws
Evaluation of Corticosteroid Dose in Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Hazardous Drug Contamination of Drug Preparation Devices and Staff: A Contamination Study Simulating the Use of Chemotherapy Drugs in a Clinical Setting
A Case of Metronidazole Injection Infiltration Without Sequelae
Doubling Pharmacist Coverage in the Intensive Care Unit: Impact on the Pharmacists’ Clinical Activities and Team Members’ Satisfaction
Extended Stability of Epinephrine Hydrochloride Injection in Polyvinyl Chloride Bags Stored in Amber Ultraviolet Light–Blocking Bags
Formation of a Citywide Pharmacy Residents’ Collaborative Committee
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Hospital Pharmacy - September 2017 - 519
Hospital Pharmacy - September 2017 - Pharmacy Transitions of Care and Culture
Hospital Pharmacy - September 2017 - 521
Hospital Pharmacy - September 2017 - Bivalirudin Medication Use Evaluation and Cost Savings Initiative
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Hospital Pharmacy - September 2017 - Navigating the New Antimicrobial Stewardship Regulations
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Hospital Pharmacy - September 2017 - Safinamide
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Hospital Pharmacy - September 2017 - Biosimilar Substitution Laws
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Hospital Pharmacy - September 2017 - Evaluation of Corticosteroid Dose in Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
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Hospital Pharmacy - September 2017 - Hazardous Drug Contamination of Drug Preparation Devices and Staff: A Contamination Study Simulating the Use of Chemotherapy Drugs in a Clinical Setting
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Hospital Pharmacy - September 2017 - A Case of Metronidazole Injection Infiltration Without Sequelae
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Hospital Pharmacy - September 2017 - Doubling Pharmacist Coverage in the Intensive Care Unit: Impact on the Pharmacists’ Clinical Activities and Team Members’ Satisfaction
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Hospital Pharmacy - September 2017 - Extended Stability of Epinephrine Hydrochloride Injection in Polyvinyl Chloride Bags Stored in Amber Ultraviolet Light–Blocking Bags
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Hospital Pharmacy - September 2017 - Formation of a Citywide Pharmacy Residents’ Collaborative Committee
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