SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - 115A

Scientific Abstracts

The Urogenital Microbiome as a Predictor for In Vitro Fertilization
Outcome. Rivka Koedooder†,1 Martin Singer†,3 Andries E Budding*,3
Sam Schoenmakers†,1 Paul HM Savelkoul*,2 Servaas A Morré*,3 Joop SE
Laven*.1 1Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands;
Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht, Netherlands; 3VU
University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
INTRODUCTION: Success rates for in vitro fertilization (IVF) vary
between 25 and 35%. It is hard to predict who does or doesn't get
pregnant after an embryo transfer (ET). Recently, by serendipity, it was
discovered that prior to treatment the urogenital microbiome can predict
pregnancy outcome after IVF with or without intracytoplasmic sperm
injection (ICSI).
METHODS: In this prospective study a total of 301 IVF/IVF-ICSI
patients were included between June 2015 and March 2016. Women
obtained a midstream urine and a vaginal sample before the start of the
actual IVF/IVF-ICSI procedure.
To evaluate the predictive accuracy of the microbiome for IVF/IVF-ICSI
outcome two different technological methods were used i.e. a 16S rDNA
sequencing using a Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technique as well
as a recently introduced new Interspace profiling (IS-Pro) technique.
RESULTS: In total 192 of the 301 patients had an ET and an evaluable
urogenital microbiome. Profiles were either Lactobacillus dominant or not.
A low percentage of Lactobacillus had a strong association with embryo
implantation failure. A combined prediction model with a small number
of species yielded a sensitivity of 29.6% and specificity of 92.5%. This
model predicted the non-pregnant women after the first ET. This failure
to implant was correctly predicted in 37 out of 42 patients based on the
vaginal microbiome, in other words a predictive accuracy of 88.1%.
CONCLUSION: Microbiome profiling enables correct prediction of
embryo implantation failure prior to the start of an IVF/IVF-ICSI treatment
with a high predictive accuracy. Knowledge of their microbiome profile
enables couples to make a more balanced decision whether they want to
continue with the treatment or not. Hence, the physical and emotional
burden of an IVF treatment can be avoided.


Chorioamnionitis versus Triple I: Refining the Diagnosis of
Intrauterine Infection. Erica Wu†,2 Megan Oakes†,2 Adam Crosland†,2
Melissa Westermann†,2 Kiran Clair†,2 Emily Seet,1 Kenneth Chan*.1
Long Beach Memorial Medical Center, Long Beach, CA, United States;
University of California, Irvine, Orange, CA, United States.
INTRODUCTION: Although there is wide variation in the criteria used
for the diagnosis of intrauterine infection, the clinical response once
diagnosed is consistent in that it typically includes administration of
maternal and neonatal antibiotics and NICU admission. In an attempt at
standardization, in 2016 the NICHD proposed replacement of the term
"chorioamnionitis" with "intrauterine inflammation or infection or both"
(suspected triple I) and outlined specific criteria for this diagnosis. The
goal of this study was to compare the rate of intrauterine infection at a
single institution as defined by "chorioamnionitis" before and "suspected
Triple I" after release of the NICHD guidelines.
METHODS: This was a retrospective cohort study of all laboring
nulliparous, term, singleton, vertex (NTSV) women managed by the
resident physician service at an academic community hospital from
January 1, 2014 to May 31, 2017. Individual chart review was performed to
determine the number of cases diagnosed with "chorioamnionitis" during
labor. Each of these cases were then further reviewed to determine if they
also met the specific criteria for the diagnosis of "suspected triple I" and
whether this diagnosis was confirmed on histopathology. These rates were
then compared between the time periods before and after publication of
the NICHD guidelines.
RESULTS: There were 468 NTSV deliveries during the study period;
321 before and 147 after NICHD guideline publication. The proportion of
cases diagnosed with "chorioamnionitis" (19.9% vs 19.7%, P = 0.9, OR
1.01 CI 0.61-1.72) and those with infection confirmed by histopathology
(5.0% vs. 4.8%, P = 0.92, OR 0.95 CI 0.32-2.52) were unchanged between
the two time periods. Of the 29 cases diagnosed with "chorioamnionitis"
in the post-NICHD guideline period, only 17 (58.6%) met criteria for
"suspected triple I."
CONCLUSION: Application of "suspected triple I" criteria resulted in
a 58% decrease in the number of women diagnosed with an intrauterine
infection in labor, without a change in the rate of infection confirmed
by histopathology. Further studies are needed to explore the effect that
complete adoption of the NICHD guidelines may have on other clinical
outcomes such as maternal and neonatal antibiotic administration and
NICU admission.

Impact of Lactate Acidification on Inflammatory Pathway Activation
in Vaginal Epithelial Cells. Fabienne Hanton†, Jessica Foley, Yun S
Lee, Phillip R Bennett, David A MacIntyre*. Imperial College, London,
United Kingdom.
INTRODUCTION: Preterm birth (PTB) is the leading cause of death
among children under the age of five. Ascending microbial infections
from the vagina are a major factor in PTB. Healthy vaginal microbial
communities in pregnancy are dominated by Lactobacillus species,
which acidify the vagina by producing D- and L- isomers of lactic acid
(LA). In its protonated form LA has antimicrobial, virucidal and immune
modulatory properties. Dominance of L. iners, which can only excrete
L-LA, has been shown to be a risk factor for preterm birth. In contrast
L. crispatus, which is associated with term birth, preferentially excretes
D-LA. The impact of LA isomers on inflammatory pathway activation in
VECs is yet to be fully elucidated.In this study we aimed to investigate
the modulatory effects of LA isomers on inflammatory pathway action
using monoculture and multilayer vaginal epithelial cell (VEC) models.
METHODS: A multilayer cell culture model of VECs (VK2/E6E7) was
optimized to allow the treatment of cells at a physiologically relevant pH
3.9. The effect of apically applied D-LA and L-LA on NFκB and AP-1
was assessed across a dose (7.5-30 mmol/L) and time course (30 min,
2h and 6h; n=3). Phosphorylated p65 (NFκB) and p-c-Jun (AP-1) was
assessed at basal levels and following inflammatory stimulation using

Thursday Posters

Ecto cells were exposed to bacterial growth media alone as a negative
control. Cell permeability assays were performed or cells were collected
for miRNA quantification by QPCR for all treatment groups. miRNAs
of interest were chosen based on previous studies showing an association
with cervical epithelial barrier breakdown, PTB, short gestation or cervical
RESULTS: Ecto cell permeability was significantly increased following
G. vag CFS treatment (p<0.0001) but not with L. crisp (p=0.6887).
Exposure to L. crisp+ G. vag (p<0.0001) or G. vag+ L. crisp (p<0.0001)
CFS significantly reduced cell permeability when compared to G. vag
alone. miR-143 (p=0.0013), miR-193b (p=0.0011), miR-146 (p=0.0024),
miR-223 (p<0.0001), miR-148b (p=0.0099) and miR-15a (p=0.0203)
expression were upregulated by G. vag CFS but not L. crisp. Expression
of all miRNAs was significantly reduced in the presence of L. crisp+ G.
vag (all miRNAs p<0.0037) or G. vag+ L. crisp (all miRNAs p<0.0019).
Bacterial growth media alone had no effect on experimental outcomes.
CONCLUSION: These studies suggest that L. crisp can protect
cervical epithelial cell function in the presence of G. vag, a known
bacterial pathogen. These results provide evidence that L. crisp confers
protection to the cervical epithelial barrier through the downregulation
of G. vag-induced miRNAs known to be associated with cervical
remodeling, inflammation and PTB. L. crisp may be a potential therapy
in women colonized with G. vag. Further research is needed to reveal if
supplementation with L. crisp or mediators that mimic its function would
be of clinical use in reducing PTB in women colonized with unfavorable
bacteria. (MOD PRC PENN)

Reproductive Sciences Vol. 25, Supplement 1, March 2018


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018

SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - Cover1
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - Cover2
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - I
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - II
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - III
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - IV
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - V
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - VI
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - VII
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - VIII
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - IX
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - X
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - XI
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - XII
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