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Reproductive Sciences Vol. 25, Supplement 1, March 2018

profiles, mostly in bio-fluids such as blood, urine or amniotic fluid. This
is the first preliminary study analyzing placental metabolomics in normal
weight and obese pregnancies.
METHODS: Placentas at term were collected, washed and immediately
frozen in liquid nitrogen at elective cesarean section from 20 normalweight
(NW: BMI 18-25 kg/m2) and 18 obese (OB: BMI more than 30 kg/m2)
women. Metabolites extraction method was optimized for hydrophilic
and lipophilic phases, then analyzed by GC-MS. PLS-DA multivariate
statistical analysis was applied.
RESULTS: Gestational age, fetal and placental weights were not
significantly different between OB and NW.Lipophilic phase analysis
in OB showed significantly lower levels of stearic acid and of the LCPUFA derivatives DHA and arachidonic acid. Hydrophilic phase analysis
revealed several metabolites allowing PLS-DA discrimination of data
with significantly different levels in OB vs NW: increased glycerol,
uracile, hypoxanthine, purine derivative, nicotinamide, glucose-6-P,
3-phosphoglycerate, tyrosine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, leucine, serine;
decreased lysine, taurine, inosine, aspartic acid, inositol, gluconic acid,
guanosine, glutamine.
CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first study providing
preliminary data on a broad range of metabolites in human obese
placentas. Placental metabolome of OB showed a specific fatty acids
profile suggesting a disruption of LC-PUFA biomagnification. Moreover,
many of the altered metabolites in OB are part of metabolic pathways
involved in antioxidant defenses and nucleotide production, as well as
energy production and lipid synthesis, supporting a shift towards higher
placental metabolism. Metabolic signatures in obese placentas may thus
reflect changes occurring in the intrauterine metabolic environment, which
may have effect on the development of adult diseases. This study can lay
the foundation to further metabolomics placental characterization in the
context of obesity. It can represent an additional missing link combining
the two separated biological compartments of maternal blood and amniotic
fluid, already investigated in other studies. Moreover, future works
based on these preliminary data will help identifying a specific placental
phenotype of obese pregnancies.

Obesity Alters the Expression of Gap Junction-Associated Genes in
the Uterus of Term Mice. Shelly Soni†,2 Prodyot K Chatterjee,1 Frances
Hsieh,2 Xiangying Xue,1 Burton Rochelson*,2 Christine N Metz*.1,2
The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, Manhasset, NY, United
States; 2Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell, Manhasset,
NY, United States.
INTRODUCTION: Obesity is a risk factor for labor dystocia and
cesarean delivery. We studied the effects of obesity on the expression of
gap junction-associated genes in the uteruses of term mice.
METHODS: Female mice C57BL/6 (10wks old) were fed either a
high-fat diet for >6wks before conception and throughout pregnancy or
a regular, lean diet (n=4/group). On gestational day 18, both groups were
euthanized and delivered by cesarean section. Uterine specimens from
both horns (closest to the cornual end) were collected, snap frozen in
liquid N2, and stored at -80°C. RNA was extracted and quantified using
the NanoDrop. Uterine RNA samples were converted to ds-cDNA and
gene expression was analyzed by qPCR with the RT2 Profiler for mouse
gap junctions (Qiagen) using the Roche LightCycler 480, according to
the manufacturer's instructions.
RESULTS: The majority of the genes in the gap junction array were
down-regulated in obese uteruses when compared to lean controls. A
few genes regulated by prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) and involved in
PGF2α-induced contractions were down-regulated (Csnk1d, casein kinase
1, delta & Gnai1, guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha inhibiting
1, p<0.05). Several kinase family genes implicated in uterine muscle
contraction, including Prkca (protein Kinase Cα) and Mapk1, 2 & 5,
mitogen-activated protein kinase 1,2 & 5, were significantly (p<0.05)
down-regulated in the obese animals. Although Gja1 (connexin 43) was
not down-regulated, Debrin1 (connexin 43 binding partner) and Gja6
(connexin 33) were significantly down-regulated. Surprisingly, a few
genes mediating smooth muscle relaxation such as Adcy1 (adenylate

Scientific Abstracts

cyclase 1) & Adrb2 (adrenergic receptor, β2) were down-regulated in obese
uteruses. Genes involved in cell cycle regulation and cell-cell adhesion,
such as Cdk1 (cyclin-dependent kinase 1) and Ctnnb1 (catenin β1) were
also down-regulated.
CONCLUSION: Obesity significantly affects gap junction gene
expression in the term uterus in mice. These changes may explain the
higher rates of labor dystocia, as well as an impaired response to oxytocin
in obese patients. Obesity-related inhibition of genes involved in uterine
relaxation may be implicated in the poor uterine contractility with lowamplitude contractions, as well as with higher rates of post-term pregnancy
observed in obese patients.
*Figure(s) will be available online.

Lower Omega-3 to Total Fatty Acid Ratio is Associated with
Gestational Diabetes in Non-Obese High-Risk Women. Kristiina
Rönö†, Saila B Koivusalo*, Johan G Eriksson*. University of Helsinki
and Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland.
INTRODUCTION: Some studies have reported lower omega-3
concentrations in women with gestational diabetes (GDM), however the
findings have been inconsistent. In contrast, high intake of omega-6 has
been associated with insulin resistance and diabetes. We assessed the
association between GDM and the ratios of omega-3 and omega-6 to
total fatty acids (FA) in early pregnancy in a heterogeneous high GDM
risk group.
METHODS: A cohort of 215 women (prepregnancy BMI ≥30 kg/m2
and/or with prior GDM) with normal glucose tolerance (NGT) before
20 weeks' gestation as assessed with a 2-h 75 g oral glucose tolerance
test (OGTT). A second OGTT was performed at 27 weeks' gestation. At
least one pathological plasma glucose value resulted in a diagnosis of
GDM (fasting ≥ 5.3 mmol/L, 1-h ≥ 10.0 mmol/L, 2-h ≥ 8.6 mmol/L). 76
of the women were obese nulliparous (group A), 48 obese multiparous
(group B), 67 non-obese with prior GDM (group C), and 24 obese with
prior GDM (group D) with GDM rates in the index pregnancy of 12
%, 13 %, 36 %, and 38 %, respectively. Fasting serum concentrations
of omega-3, omega-6, and total FA were analyzed by targeted nuclear
magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Analyses were adjusted for age, weeks
of gestation, self-reported physical activity, and gestational weight gain.
RESULTS: The mean ratio of omega-3 to total FA was 4.53 (SD 0.76)
mmol/100 mmol in women who developed GDM and 4.56 (SD 0.79)
mmol/100 mmol in women with NGT (adjusted p=0.72). In group C the
mean ratios were 4.47 (SD 0.76) and 4.87 (SD 0.81) mmol/100 mmol,
respectively (adjusted p=0.01). The mean ratio of omega-6 to total FA
was 33.21 (SD 4.32) mmol/100 mmol in women who developed GDM
and 33.30 (SD 4.29) mmol/100 mmol in women with NGT (adjusted
p=0.52). Figure shows the adjusted mean ratios of omega-3 and omega-6
per total fatty acid by presence of gestational diabetes (GDM+ per GDM-)
in the subgroups.
*Figure(s) will be available online.
CONCLUSION: In non-obese women with previous GDM, the lower
omega-3 to total FA ratio was associated with GDM.

Do Lower Glycemic Targets Compared to Current Recommendations
Result in Improved Outcomes for Gestational Diabetes? Grace A
Hagen†,1 Gene Lee*,2 Crystal Brown†.1 1University of Kansas Medical
Center, Kansas City, KS, United States; 2University of Washington, Seattle,
WA, United States.
INTRODUCTION: Current recommendations for glycemic targets in
pregnancy are fasting glucose of 95 mg/dL and 2 hour postprandial of 120
mg/dL. In vivo study of glucose homeostasis in pregnancy suggests normal
glucose levels are lower. After the HAPO study results, our institution
began using glycemic targets of fasting 85 mg/dL and 2 hour postprandial
of 110 mg/dL. We investigated our results. We hypothesized that lower
glyemic targets are associated with lower maternal and neonatal morbidity.
METHODS: This study is a retrospective cohort. All GDM patients
that delivered at KUMC from January 2007 until May 2017 have been
reviewed. Deliveries between Feb 16, 2011 and May 4, 2011 were


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018

SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - Cover1
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - Cover2
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - I
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - II
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - III
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - IV
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - V
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - VI
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - VII
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - VIII
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - IX
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - X
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - XI
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - XII
SRI Supplement to Reproductive Sciences - Volume 25 Number 1 - March 2018 - XIII
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