FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 23

Six months have passed, and it
still seems like the finish line is a long
stretch away. My name is Joshua
Santiago, and I am the Vice President
of Communications for Nebraska PBL.
Our team has been hard at work ever
since our unorthodox state officer
training held through Zoom (which
is traditionally an in-person retreat).
Our team recognized the elephant
in the room: How was a CTSO
going to survive when safety
measures would restrict much of
our activities?
The start of the school year
was sure to look different, so our
state officer team rushed to find
our own answers to the question
many face. Our core values in
PBL revolve around networking,
competing, and engaging in
community service, yet all of
these events required some
sort of physical interaction
or commitment - or so
we thought.

The Creation
It turns out that many
who complain about not
adjusting well to change
have been forced to adapt
to current circumstances
involving social distancing
and enhanced health
precautions. Nebraska had
above 200+ registered members in the state last year,
and many of our events would have been severely
impacted by social distancing. Physically engaging
in the same formats would be virtually impossible
for this year, so we decided to create a plan to ask


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professional development
members, key contacts, and
state & national partners if they
would be willing to submit a
short video regarding a specific
business topic. Topics range
from anything from interviewing
tips and resume advice to why
they chose PBL and how they
ended up in their career path.
One key takeaway from this
initial period was actually a piece
of constructive criticism: Why have
only pre-recorded videos when
PBL members could still network
live and in real-time through
Zoom. After an absurdly long time
of overthinking, our VP of Finance
and I came up with the name of
our new video series: " What's In
Your Briefcase? "
With awe, our team started
to see our inboxes fill with an
overwhelming amount of interest
from our supporters. Many videos
were submitted and are scheduled to
be uploaded throughout the semester.

New Perspectives
Our hopes were to allow PBL members
a way to stay connected with the
organization, and we soon noticed
that in hoping, we actually struck oil!
Members have been able to access
pre-recorded videos on our website's
Chapter Channel, and chapters from all
four corners of Nebraska have been able
to join us during our live Zoom sessions as well to hear
from outstanding speakers. The best part about having
a different speaker from different industries is hearing
common denominators in business. For example, both
insurance directors we have met with for agencies in
Nebraska have told us that adaptability is key for success
in any role. A plant accountant for a large national energy
holdings company told us that without PBL, his network
wouldn't have expanded and grown exponentially like
it did. All of these items, tips, and suggestions have been
catered to our members specifically, so make a little extra
room in those briefcases!

Check out the Nebraska PBL interview series online!

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https://nebraskapbl.org/chapter-channel-2-2-2/ https://nebraskapbl.org/chapter-channel-2-2-2/


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL

FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 1
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 2
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 3
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 4
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 5
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 6
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 7
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 8
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 9
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 10
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 11
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 12
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 13
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 14
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 15
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 16
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 17
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 18
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 19
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 20
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 21
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 22
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 23
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 24
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 25
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 26
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 27
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 28
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 29
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 30
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 31
FBLA-PBL Late Fall TBL - 32