Package Design - August 2012 - 16



Rich Results by Design
Convert shoppers into buyers with creatively manufactured packages.


onsumer enticement is key to engagement and, ultimately, an impulse purchase that can turn into repeat business. Your product’s packaging needs to stand out on the shelf, whether you’re looking for a new take on an established brand or you’re launching a product or introducing a limited-edition item. Your package has a matter of seconds to convince a passer by to not just glance at it, but rather to stop, pick up the product and consider making the buy. It’s clear that creating a carefully targeted package design that’s original enough to sizzle in an in-store display or cut through crowded shelving truly is a specialty job. Need some inspiration? Here are some tips that can take some of the guesswork out of your next design gig.

De-metallized bags combine eye-catching shelf presence with visual access to the product within.

Stand-up poucheS that Stand out
We’ve highlighted some alluring designs. Now, let’s look at ways to use structures creatively. The population of stand-up pouches has seemingly exploded over the past several years. They are a great alternative to rigid containers, with lower cost and reduced materials consumption, yet they still give the package the same—or more—visual real estate to sell the product. But not all stand-up pouches are equal. I think that side-gusseted stand-up pouches— also known as four-side-sealed bags—are among the most visually appealing structures in this product space. These pouches look a lot like the traditional vacuum-packed coffee bricks in the grocery store, and the look is now being used in candy, nuts and snack food. The side panels also provide additional real estate where, for example, additional product descriptions or a breakdown of flavors can be included. And lastly, it’s a more efficient way to pack the product in master boxes for shipping to the store. But why settle for an ordinary square pouch? Several converters can offer shaped pouches that follow the outline of the graphics. Are you working with a licensed Disney character, for example? Why not have the top of the pouch follow the outline of Mickey’s ears? For Valentine’s Day, put your product in a heart-shaped pouch. The possibilities are virtually endless, and you can make the prepress work as quick and smooth as possible by working with your pouch maker before you finalize the design to see if you can use a standard shape to cut down on production cost and lead time. PD

creative proceSSeS for appealing packS
A de-metallized bag is an excellent way to make a product pop. The process removes metal from a metallized bag in a specific pattern, essentially leaving a window in the bag. Inks shine as they are backed with metal, and a crystal-clear window shows off the bag’s contents. It’s the perfect hybrid package when shelf appeal and a visual of the contents are equally important. De-metallization is common in Asia and parts of Europe, but few packages in the U.S. market today are de-metallized. This means your de-metallized package will stand out even more. Another interesting visual process that is becoming more popular is combining matte and glossy surfaces. A registered matte varnish emphasizes certain areas of the package that you want your customers to notice. You’ve probably seen this on anything from potato-chip bags to energy bars. A clear varnish is printed in register on the outside of a matte, reverse-printed film, usually on an outboard station on a flexo press or a rotogravure press with turning bars that can flip the web before the last station. With the right equipment, the process can be completed in one pass with a standard, lowcost film and minimal additional cost.
july/august 2012

Marcus Magnusson is director of sales and marketing for Elgin, IL-based Multifilm Packaging Corp. (


Package Design - August 2012

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Package Design - August 2012

Package Design - August 2012
Editor’s Letter
Front Panel
Converter’s Corner
Sustainably Speaking
A Few Good Bottles
Voting Opens for the 2012 Makeover Challenge, Sponsored by Hazen Paper Company
Love at First Sight
Innovation Incubator
Product Focus: Metal Packaging
Index of Advertisers
Field Notes
Package Design - August 2012 - Intro
Package Design - August 2012 - Package Design - August 2012
Package Design - August 2012 - Cover2
Package Design - August 2012 - 1
Package Design - August 2012 - Contents
Package Design - August 2012 - 3
Package Design - August 2012 - Editor’s Letter
Package Design - August 2012 - 5
Package Design - August 2012 - Front Panel
Package Design - August 2012 - 7
Package Design - August 2012 - 8
Package Design - August 2012 - 9
Package Design - August 2012 - Snapshots
Package Design - August 2012 - 11
Package Design - August 2012 - 12
Package Design - August 2012 - 13
Package Design - August 2012 - 14
Package Design - August 2012 - 15
Package Design - August 2012 - I1
Package Design - August 2012 - I2
Package Design - August 2012 - Converter’s Corner
Package Design - August 2012 - 17
Package Design - August 2012 - Sustainably Speaking
Package Design - August 2012 - 19
Package Design - August 2012 - A Few Good Bottles
Package Design - August 2012 - 21
Package Design - August 2012 - 22
Package Design - August 2012 - 23
Package Design - August 2012 - Voting Opens for the 2012 Makeover Challenge, Sponsored by Hazen Paper Company
Package Design - August 2012 - 25
Package Design - August 2012 - 26
Package Design - August 2012 - 27
Package Design - August 2012 - 28
Package Design - August 2012 - 29
Package Design - August 2012 - 30
Package Design - August 2012 - 31
Package Design - August 2012 - 32
Package Design - August 2012 - 33
Package Design - August 2012 - Love at First Sight
Package Design - August 2012 - 35
Package Design - August 2012 - Innovation Incubator
Package Design - August 2012 - 37
Package Design - August 2012 - Product Focus: Metal Packaging
Package Design - August 2012 - 39
Package Design - August 2012 - 40
Package Design - August 2012 - 41
Package Design - August 2012 - 42
Package Design - August 2012 - Index of Advertisers
Package Design - August 2012 - Field Notes
Package Design - August 2012 - Cover3
Package Design - August 2012 - Cover4