Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 8


Foundation Leadership Forum
in January 2021 Goes Virtual
AGB'S 2021 FOUNDATION LEADERSHIP FORUM, to be held from January 25-27,
2021, will be an interactive virtual event. Dynamic sessions will address challenges
foundations are facing during the COVID-19 crisis as well as opportunities for
strategic leadership, innovation, and growth moving forward. The virtual format
"presents us with the unique opportunity to engage a new audience of attendees
who otherwise are not able to travel for an in-person conference," says Tiffany
Dean, AGB's senior director of institutionally related foundations.
The program will feature a diverse group of speakers, including both foundation staff and board leaders who each bring their unique insights about how to
improve governance, overcome current challenges, and position their own foundations for the future. Forum speakers will represent the breadth of foundations
across the spectrum, size, function, and structure. "I'm excited about the incredible caliber of thought leaders who will be speaking during the plenaries and
concurrent sessions," says Dean. The wide array of session topics includes governance fundamentals, foundation funding, innovation, strengthening crucial relationships, and analyzing external forces that impact foundations, to name a few.
Beyond the sessions, the Foundation Forum will provide attendees with
ample opportunity for networking and small group interactions to ensure AGB
members expand existing relationships and forge new ones. The virtual format
this year has a unique advantage than years past. "This year is your chance to
bring even more of your board members and leadership team and make positive
change within your foundation," says Dean.

Welcome New AGB Members
AGB welcomes new members that have joined since July 1, 2020.

Retreat for Board Chairs and
Presidents of Independent Colleges
and Universities
November 9-10, 2020	


Foundation Leadership Forum 2021
January 25-27 2021	

Virtual Conference


Strategies for Student Success and
Institutional Stability: A Strategic
Webinar for Board Members,
Presidents and Senior Executives
November 12, 2020	

1:00-2:00 PM EST


Keep up to date with what is new and
exciting in the world of governance.
Follow us on Twitter!
President Henry Stoever @henrystoever
AGB @AGBInsights

Boston Architectural College

Peralta Community College District

Bryn Athyn College

Phillips Academy

Delaware State University Foundation

Salem College

Florida Memorial University

Southwestern Law School


Holyoke Community College Foundation

Tennessee Higher Education Commission

U.S. Postal Service Statement of Ownership,
Management, and Circulation

Houghton College

The Duke Endowment

In Trust Center for Theological Schools

Thomas Edison State University

Kansas Health Science Center

Universidad del Corazon Sagrado

Lancaster Theological Seminary

University of Pittsburgh

Lewis University

University of the West

Longwood University

Virginia Community College System

1. Publication Title: Trusteeship. 2. Publication No.: 0525-130. 3. Date of Filing:
10/1/2020. 4. Issue frequency: Bimonthly. 5. No. of issues published annually:
six. 6. Annual subscription price: $100. 7. Complete mailing address of known
office of publication: 1133 20th St. NW, #300, Washington, DC 20036. 8. Complete
mailing address of headquarters or general business office of publisher: same.
9. Full names and complete mailing address of publisher, editor, and managing
editor: Publisher-Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges,
same address. Editor-Elena Loveland, same address. 10. Owner, Association
of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges, same address. 11. Known
bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 percent
or more of total amounts of bonds, mortgages, or other securities: none. 12. The
purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt
status for federal income tax purposes have not changed during the preceding 12
months. 13. Publication Title: Trusteeship. 14. Issue date for circulation data below:
September/October 2020. 15. Extent and nature of circulation: Average no. copies
each issue during preceding 12 months. (No. copies of single issue published
nearest to filing date.) 15a. Total no. copies: 35,051 (33,560). 15b. Paid circulation:
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This statement of ownership will be printed in the November/December 2020 issue
of this publication. 17. Signature and title of editor, publisher, business manager, or
owner: Elena Loveland, Editor-in-Chief, 10/1/2020.

Medical University of South Carolina

Virginia Military Institute

Morris College

Wentworth Institute of Technology

National Intelligence University

Westminster College

New Jersey City University Foundation

Worcester State University

NorthWest Arkansas Community College

*This list is accurate as of October 16, 2020.


Trusteeship - November/December 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Trusteeship - November/December 2020

Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - BB1
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - BB2
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - Cover1
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - Cover2
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - Contents
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 2
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 3
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 4
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 5
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 6
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 7
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 8
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 9
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 10
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 11
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 12
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 13
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 14
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 15
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 16
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 17
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 18
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 19
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 20
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 21
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 22
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 23
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 24
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 25
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 26
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 27
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 28
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Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 30
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 31
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Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 33
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 34
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Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 36
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 37
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 38
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 39
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 40
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 41
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 42
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 43
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - 44
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - Cover3
Trusteeship - November/December 2020 - Cover4