ASHA Catalog 2014 - (Page 88)

88 Reference: School-Based Issues Practical Activities for Your Classroom RTI in Action: Oral Language Activities for K-2 Classrooms CD Inside (Publisher: ASHA) Froma P. Roth, PhD, CCC-SLP, Dorothy P. Dougherty, MA, CCC-SLP, Diane R. Paul, PhD, CCC-SLP, and Deborah Adamczyk, MA, CCC-SLP RTI in Action RTI in Action: Oral Language Activities for K-2 Classrooms capitalizes on the power of collaboration between SLPs and teachers. Designed to enhance K-2 students' oral language skills, the book offers practical activities based on general education curricular standards and provides specific, straightforward strategies to help SLPs and teachers modify instruction. Oral Language Activities for K-2 Classrooms Organized by grades K, 1, and 2 and using Response to Intervention's (RTI's) three tiers of instruction, the book provides activities to build oral language skills in five major areas critical to success in language, literacy, academics, and social skills: basic concepts, vocabulary, listening and speaking, phonological awareness, and print knowledge. Froma P. Roth, PhD, CCC-SLP Dorothy P. Dougherty, MA, CCC-SLP Diane R. Paul, PhD, CCC-SLP Deborah Adamczyk, MA, CCC-SLP The accompanying CD features PDFs of all activities in the book for convenient downloading and sharing, a sample PowerPoint for in-service training, and helpful, informative handouts for SLPs, teachers, parents, caregivers, and daycare providers. Grades K-2 Other features include: * more than 40 instructional strategies to use in the classroom when implementing an RTI model * activities that indicate what teachers say and expected student responses * web resources related to RTI * appendices with easy-to-copy graphic organizers, a cultural competence checklist, a developmental milestones checklist, progress-monitoring charts, and an RTI intensity grid Peek inside... A Activities organized by grade level B One of five "language areas" critical to success for learning and literacy. C Each "language area" consists of different learning objectives. D Activities are presented within an RTI Model with three tiers of instruction. E Tier 1 activities are geared for the whole classroom. F G Tier 2 activities are designed for in-class instruction with small groups. Tier 3 activities provide further differentiated instruction for smaller groups or one-on-one instruction. H Name of the instructional strategy precedes activity at Tier 2 and Tier 3 levels of instruction. Volume discount of 10% for orders of 10 or more. A Grade J K C B LanGuaGe area: Listening and Speaking F Objective: Multistep Directions Respond to Multistep Directions Assistive technology Grade Use web resources such as the link listed below to allow students to practice following directions. Multistep Directions E H Books used in activities are referenced at the end of each grade level. I Explain that being able to follow directions is important to doing well at school and other places. Play a game with students in which they have to remember and follow the directions. Give specific, simple, two-step directions. Gradually increase length and complexity. * * * * URLs are active on the CD that accompanies the book. K K Grade Teacher instruction shown in black text with white background. Student response shown in black text with shaded background. I Item #0113135 / $49 ASHA member / $64 nonmember Follow the directions on the website. Visual cues D Get the students' attention before giving a direction. Use an appropriate and varied tone of voice. Speak slowly and clearly. To increase complexity, use words such as before, after, first, and finally. Make sure that students understand concepts in isolation before embedding them in directions. Can You Follow Directions From Tina's World? o.html * Draw simple cues of the direction's specific elements on the board. For example, if the directions are walk in a circle and clap your hands, then draw a picture of a circle and hands on the board. * Once students follow the directions accurately, erase the cue and ask them to follow the directions again. Follow the directions accurately. * Check for understanding throughout the activity. * Encourage students to ask questions. Begin the game in which students are directed to place a picture in a given location. Have a set of pictures or objects at the front of the room, and then give a two-step direction to each student. For example, Pick up the blue ball and place it under Sam's chair; pick up the dog and put it beside the trash can. * Give three-step directions for the same activity. Activity books such as Follow Me! Listen and Do Activities by Grace W. Frank or Listening Skills for Young Children by Trish Vowels provide some good ideas for practicing directions. * Keep track of students' errors to evaluate where the breakdown occurs. * Errors with following directions can be attributed understanding basic concepts or other vocabulary,to weaknesses in listening, of the language, attending, memory, distractibilit understanding the complexity y, sequencing, and possibly hearing loss. When students make errors, attempt to evaluate where the breakdown occurs. Be vigilant about keeping your directions simple during training stages. Follow directions appropriately for up to three-step directions. Multistep Directions Simplify G I K * Give single-step directions only. * Once students show competency, gradually add the second element. * Assess where the breakdown is occurring, and simplify accordingly. Follow the direction(s) accurately. Concrete materials Give students two simple objects and present directions that they can follow using those objects. For example: * * * * Put the crayon in the box. Cover the red crayon with the paper. Give me the pen and the pencil. Place the pencil under your chair. Follow the directions accurately. 54 Grade K * K J

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ASHA Catalog 2014

ASHA Catalog 2014
Table of Contents
Important Information About ASHA Professional Development
Calendar of 2014 Events, Online Conferences, and Live Webinars
2014 Conferences & Convention
Language and Literacy
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AA C)
Autism and Developmental Disorders
Speech and Voice Disorders
Swallowing Disorders
Neurogenic Speech and Language
School-Based Issues
Multicultural Issues
Reimbursement and Medicare
Service Delivery and Practice Management
Cochlear Implants, Auditory Processing, and Other Clinical Issues
Assessment, Amplification, and Audiologic Rehabilitation
Hearing, Hearing Loss, and Balance
Special Interest Groups
ASHA Scholarly Journals
Service Delivery and Practice Management
Communication Disorders
Multicultural Issues
School-Based Issues
College and University
Reimbursement and Medicare
Inspiring and Educational Stories
Assessment Tests
ASHFoundation Merchandise and Gift Items
ASHA Merchandise and Gift Items
NSSLHA Merchandise and Gift Items
Consumer Education
Order Form
Author Index
Product Index

ASHA Catalog 2014