The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023 - 26

2022 American Foundation for Translation and Interpretation
First-Time ATA Conference Attendance Scholarships
The American Foundation for Translation and Interpretation (AFTI) offers a limited number of $500 scholarships to students/recent
graduates of translation or interpreting studies programs or related fields to help defray the cost of attending ATA's Annual Conference.
The 2022 recipients are:
Halla Bearden
University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria
Halla will complete her MA
in translation with a focus in
dialogue interpreting at the
University of Vienna, Austria,
in June 2023. She is currently
based back home in Houston,
Texas, where she works as a
freelance German<>English
conference and liaison
interpreter and an ATA-certified
German>English translator.
Her specializations include
technology and intellectual
property, medicine, and
life sciences. She also hosts
Slovo, the podcast of ATA's
Slavic Languages Division,
and is working toward
passing ATA's Russian>English
certification exam.
Nancy Cabrera
Kent State University
Kent, Ohio
Nancy is an experienced
audiovisual translator and
editor (Spanish>English).
She has an MA in Spanish
translation from Kent State
University (KSU). During her
time at KSU, she interned with
the Black Squirrel Translator
Collective (BSTC), a team
of women Spanish>English
translators offering translation,
editing, and proofreading
services. Nancy is now a
member of the BSTC and
works primarily as a medical
and audiovisual translator.
Jill Neuendorf
University of
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Jill Neuendorf is an associate
teaching professor in the
Slavic Languages Department
at Georgetown University.
Previously, Jill taught firstthrough
third-year Russian
language and culture courses
at the University of Maryland,
Bryn Mawr College,
Swarthmore College, and
Beloit College. She is currently
working toward earning
an MA in Russian>English
translation from the University
of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Andrea Perdomo
Stephen F. Austin
State University
Nacogdoches, Texas
Andrea is a staff
Spanish>English interpreter/
translator for Nacogdoches
County in Nacogdoches,
Texas. In 2019, she received
her bachelor's degree in
Spanish with a minor in
German from Stephen F.
Austin State University, where
she also earned a master's
degree in Hispanic studies
in 2021.
26 The ATA Chronicle | January/February 2023

The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023

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The ATA Chronicle - January/February 2023 - Contents
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