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Unlocking the Cancer Code: How scientists, computers and big data are working together to " solve " cancer

Matching cancer
patients to precision
trials in Japan
Japan's Center for Cancer Genomics and Advanced
Therapeutics (C-CAT) uses QIAGEN Clinical Insights
(QCI®) to match cancer patients with approved
treatments or clinical trials.

" C-CAT and our network of
hospitals will use the QCI
solution because of the breadth
and depth of its professionally
curated knowledge base,
the ability to match patients
with approved treatments or
clinical trials and QIAGEN's
customization of its QCI solution
for C-CAT's specific needs. "
Dr. Hiroyuki Mano, Director of C-CAT

Learn more at www.digitalinsights.qiagen.com/c-cat
Trademarks: QIAGEN®, Sample to Insight®, QCI®, (QIAGEN Group).


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https://digitalinsights.qiagen.com/c-cat/ https://www.clinicalomics.com/


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of QIAGEN_Apr2021_UnlockingTheCancerCode

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QIAGEN_Apr2021_UnlockingTheCancerCode - Contents
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