Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - May/June 2012 - (Page 42)

students review The Students Review series is intended to aid prospective college students in their search by offering insiders’ views of selected colleges and universities, as expressed by current undergraduates or recent graduates who have high academic ability. Note that the number of reviewers is small. Consider their personal perspectives as only one factor as you gather information and impressions from many sources. Our reviewers include 27 students, who major(ed) in chemical engineering (3), chemistry (1), civil engineering (4), computer engineering (2), electrical engineering (2), engineering management (1), environmental engineering (1), math (2), mechanical engineering (12), and physics/applied optics (1). Reviewers’ comments appear within quotation marks. The number of majors exceeds 27 because some reviewers completed double majors. rose-Hulman institute of technology social life „„ “rose has a lovely campus built around a small lake. the community is small and personable. i am still impressed that so many people greet each other when passing. it’s a close-knit community of people you can trust, and everyone seems willing to help out if you need it.” „„ “social life revolves around on-campus organizations, of which there are many. students are generally friendly and studious, with a flair for fun. the vast majority are here to get an education and spend countless hours working on projects, homework, or studying; yet weekend nights are always eventful. You can always find other people looking for stuff to do and go out to a movie or just sit by the lake and look at the stars.” quality of Academic instruction for undergraduates For 13 years running, Rose-Hulman has been ranked the #1 school in the country among schools whose highest degree is a bachelor’s or master’s in engineering. Reviewers used superlatives in describing a Rose-Hulman education. „„ quality of instruction at rose“the hulman is incredible. rose is unique among the top engineering schools in that it is primarily a teaching, not a research, institution. the professors, nearly all of whom have doctorates, are not required to do research. many do, but the school’s focus is on undergraduate education. i was never taught by a ta.” „„ “excellent. i give it a 100%-star-a-Wow! the professors’ #1 priority is to help students become top engineers and scientists. their doors are always open. most classes are 10–30 students in size, and professors know each of their students by name. grading is tough but fair. the pressure is not for the grade, but to learn.” „„ professors strive not only to instruct “the but to improve the lives and well-being of their students. they provide inspiration both in and out of the classroom and help students achieve at levels that once seemed out of reach.” „„ my four years at rose-hulman, i can’t “in recall a single time when i was not able to get the help i needed from one of my professors. they would spend hours walking me through problems until i understood. they stay late, correspond by e-mail, or give their home phone number to students who can’t get in to see them during the day.” „„ cross-disciplinary core curriculum “the is well planned and well executed. freshman and sophomore years cover an extensive base of classes in calculus, physics, and chemistry, and offer a taste of many areas of engineering. this approach gives students a chance to try several different areas before settling on a major. the curriculum does an excellent job of driving home the fundamentals of engineering, as well as opening the doors to more creative problem-solving. i have found my education to compare very favorably to those of my work colleagues.” „„ “students learn on state-of-the-art equipment, and we have many opportunities to work with real-world firms: from summer internships and co-op experiences to senior design projects with companies that need some engineering input, not to mention companies (both well-established and startups) that team up with our faculty to bring research projects into our labs for students to be part of.” „„ “rose only went co-ed in 1995, and males still outnumber females by about 4:1. over half of the students live on campus, and most of the rest live in fraternity or sorority houses just off campus. Because the campus is so small, it’s easy to wander over to talk to friends or hang out. some will say that that’s all there is to do. the school tries hard to provide entertainment (comedians, plays, etc.), but the pickings are still slim. there are, however, tons of campus groups and clubs, providing a welcome change of pace from classes and studies. and rose participates in division iii sports programs, giving athletes who may not be up to division i standards a chance to play college sports. intramural sports are also popular, with over half the students participating in at least one.” „„ “terre haute ranks among the top in the country for the number of parks in a city area. the heritage trail—a network of trails converted from former railroad tracks—allows students to bike, walk, or jog from campus to nearby lakes, parks, and a golf course.” „„ “terre haute is a small town without many amenities besides a movie theater, mall, 42 imagine may/Jun 2012

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - May/June 2012

Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - May/june 2012
Big Picture
In My Own Words
Building Green
Learn and Build
Tinkerer’s Dream
The Healing Touch
From Jupiter to the Moon
Building a Better Landmine Detector
Designing the Future
27 Pipes
Better Than Wikinotes
Selected Opportunities & Resources
Exploring Our Political Legacy
Off the Shelf
Word Wise
Exploring Career Options
One Step Ahead
Planning Ahead for College
Students Review
Creative Minds Imagine
Mark Your Calendar
Knossos Games

Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - May/June 2012