Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - May/June 2013 - (Page 36)

off the shelf Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by susan Cain review by natasha Coult true or false: __ i prefer one-on-one conversations to group activities. __ i dislike small talk, but i enjoy talking in depth about topics that matter to me. __ i do my best work on my own. __ i feel drained after being out and about, even if i’ve enjoyed myself. these statements are part of an informal quiz in the introduction to susan Cain’s Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. as you might guess, people who say that these statements apply to them tend to be introverts. While charismatic, confident leaders often get the credit for making changes in society, introverts like J.K. rowling, stephen Wozniak, and rosa Parks have also had an undeniable impact on the world. in Quiet, susan Cain seeks to educate both introverts and extroverts about the often-ignored strengths of the “quiet ones” in Western society. our boisterous culture tends to bowl over introverts without recognizing their gift for in-depth analysis and increased perceptiveness. Cain closely associates solitary pursuits such as reading and computer programming with introverts, as these activities combine the classic introvert traits of “diving in” and a preference for solitude. Yet each introvert expresses his or her introversion differently, Cain points out; for example, not all introverts are shy. however, european and american culture tends to lionize those who display personality rather than demonstrate character. Cain refers to this attitude as the “extroverted ideal.” adults are reluctant to refer to themselves as introverts, and parents sometimes attempt to stamp out their children’s introversion. still, Cain’s mission is not to bash extroverts but rather to prove that introversion and extroversion are equally valuable. she posits that the financial crisis may have been less severe or might not have happened at all if more introverts had been involved on Wall street, and she debunks the myth that a direct correlation exists between extroversion and leadership abilities. Cain also explores cultural differences and impacts related to the prevalence of introversion, from the 36 imagine ultra-extroverted americans to the more reserved Chinese. this book is a great choice for any reader interested in psychology, or for anyone who has felt a little different from their extroverted, talkative peers. Cain seamlessly combines psychological concepts with her own experiences and observations to create a compelling story. in the end, extroverted readers benefit by gaining an understanding of their introverted friends and family and how to treat them, and introverted readers will undoubtedly uncover a newfound pride in an essential and valuable trait. Natasha Coult, 18, is a senior at Valley High School in West Des Moines, IA. She enjoys practicing minimalism and studying Scandinavian culture, and she hopes to pursue technology in the life sciences in college next year. Also recommended The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos by brian greene i picked up this book and slowly devoured it over a period of a few weeks, during which i learned about different proposals for the mysterious concept of a multiverse/multiple universes. the book is highly accessible, as greene avoids the use of mathematics to explain the concepts (although in the appendices he does point us in the direction of some mathematics). he instead uses captivating analogies that keep readers on their toes, constantly speculating and asking questions. —Alexandra Chand, 15, CA Elantris by brandon sanderson Elantris is a high-fantasy novel centering on the magical powers of once-human beings called elantrians. i recommend it because it blew my mind: it has brilliant characterizations, an engaging plot, and a fascinating system of magic. due to mild violence, a human sacrifice scene, and the disturbing nature of the dakhor monks, i would rate it as Pg-13. for anyone looking for the next Lord of the Rings, look no further. —ian garrison, 16, nJ may/Jun 2013

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - May/June 2013

Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - May/June 2013
Big Picture
In My Own Words
Code Me In
Getting Started With Computational Problem Solving
Coding for Gold
The Computer Science Connection
Magical & Practical
The Creative, Collaborative Universe of Minecraft
Going Mobile
Connecting Students and Cultures Through Technology
Selected Opportunities & Resources
Words With Friends
Off the Shelf
Word Wise
Exploring Career Options
One Step Ahead
Planning Ahead for College
Students Review
Creative Minds Imagine
Mark Your Calendar
Knossos Games

Imagine Magazine - Johns Hopkins - May/June 2013