The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 58


again, not a clue on how to be a boss. Managing a growing staff was the challenge. As
a practice owner we wear all of the hats. We are the chief provider of services, the HR
department, equipment manager and quite often the maintenance staff. Every dentist
I know who has built a practice has probably scrubbed a toilet at some time-with
gloves on of course. Taking continuing education courses on management matters
became as important as taking courses on new materials and techniques.
I attended the Roanoke Valley Dental Society monthly meetings. This organization
has been around since the 1950s and provides a community for local dentists to get
together to learn. Face-to-face meetings were valuable to develop relationships with
colleagues. I believe that this is something that cannot be replaced with the online
groups of today. I remember attending my first meeting and being the only woman
present. When I introduced myself to a truly lovely wife of a veteran dentist, she
greeted me and said "and your husband is...?"
After clearing that up, I found the group to be completely open and supportive.
At our last meeting I noticed there were as many women as men in attendance.
Ab ove : A thorough examination with
a patient occurs before developing a
comprehensive dental-health plan.
Righ t: Sandra Andrew spends about one
week each year teaching at the Pankey
Institute, an advanced dental-education
center in Florida.

WHICH BRINGS ME TO A MAJOR demographic shift in dentistry. According to the ADA, in 1980 less than 1 percent of practicing dentists were female.
In Virginia that number has grown to 32 percent. Dental schools are almost
50/50 in gender split.
In 1983, there were just Dr. Robinson and myself. Now there are over 30 women
dentists in the Roanoke Valley area. Of all practicing female dentists, 56 percent are
under the age of 45. Some of these women have their own practices and some have
joined a group practice.
In the 1980s, the Valley had two group practices. One was located in Salem and
one in Roanoke. Everyone else was in a solo practice. In Virginia at present, 67 percent of dentists are in solo practice. Twenty percent are in group practices. The rest
work in education facilities, hospital-based clinics or government-supported clinics.


The valley has several clinics that service the populations that have dental needs but do not have the means for private care. Some area dentists

In Virginia there are rural areas with a very limited number of dentists. The

and clinics accept Medicaid which provides treatment for children. Benefits

eastern region and southwest region each have 2 percent of the dentists

for adults with Medicare or Medicare are very limited.

practicing in the state. In Northern Virginia and Richmond, there are several

Local nonprofit facilities:

on every street corner. In fact, 41 percent of all Virginia dentists are located

The Bradley Free Clinic: Serves the working uninsured and temporarily

in Northern Virginia. Distribution of dentists is a problem. According to the

unemployed; there are eligibility requirements; coverage area is Roanoke

Virginia Department of Health, there are at least 60 localities that have no

City, Roanoke County, Town of Vinton, Salem, counties of Craig and Bote-

dental safety net. That means there are no community-based clinics to

tourt. 540-344-5156

provide care to those unable to afford private services.
As noted elsewhere, young dentists come out of school with an overload of debt. The chance of them succeeding to support themselves, their
family and a practice in a rural county is low. Recruiting dentists to these
areas is a challenge.
In cities like Roanoke, with an adequate number of dentists for our

G. Wayne Fralin Free Clinic: Part of The Roanoke Rescue Mission, the
clinic provides care to the homeless individuals who are unemployed and
uninsured. 540-343-7227
Christian Free Clinic in Botetourt: Provides limited dental services to Botetourt County residents without private insurance or government-provided
healthcare. 540-353-0509

population, what we should really say is patients need access to affordable

New Horizons Healthcare: Community based health care center providing

care. As Bernie Saunders said, everyone has access to a million dollar home

basic dental care for the underserved and uninsured. Accepts Medicaid

but that doesn't mean we can afford it. Dental care is not a million dollars

and has a sliding scale fee schedule available.

but good quality care comes with cost. Dental insurance provides some

All dentists provide some type of care to needy patients in their own

support but only if you have the policy. Most dental insurance is part of a

offices. It may not be a formal program and they may not talk about it but

work benefit. Individual policies are more expensive with limited coverage.

much is being done behind the scenes. -SA

58 | JULY/AUGUST 2017



The Roanoker - July/August 2017

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Roanoker - July/August 2017

The Roanoker July/August 2017 Table of Contents
Worth a Click
From the Editor
Lunch With . . .
Streets of Roanoke
The Gist
Top Doctors 2017
Profiles in Medical Excellence (special section)
The Changing Face of Roanoke Dentistry
Amy Trail: A Journey of Education
Roanoke Valley Education: A March Forward
The Two-Wheeled Shepherd
Vinton: Great Little Town (special section)
The Stunning Mangus Home
The Strange Lure of Softball
Dining: Red Jasmine and Fork in the Alley
The Dish
NEW! Then & Now
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - Intro
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - Cover1
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - Cover2
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 3
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - The Roanoker July/August 2017 Table of Contents
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 5
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 6
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 7
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - Worth a Click
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 9
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - From the Editor
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - Lunch With . . .
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - Streets of Roanoke
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 13
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - The Gist
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 15
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - Events
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 17
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 18
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - Top Doctors 2017
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 20
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 21
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 22
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 23
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 24
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 25
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 26
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 27
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 28
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 29
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 30
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 31
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 32
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 33
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 34
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 35
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 36
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 37
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - Profiles in Medical Excellence (special section)
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 39
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 40
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 41
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 42
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 43
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 44
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 45
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 46
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 47
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 48
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 49
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 50
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 51
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 52
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 53
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - The Changing Face of Roanoke Dentistry
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 55
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 56
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 57
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 58
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 59
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - Amy Trail: A Journey of Education
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 61
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 62
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 63
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 64
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 65
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 66
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 67
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 68
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - Roanoke Valley Education: A March Forward
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 70
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 71
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 72
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 73
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 74
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - The Two-Wheeled Shepherd
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 76
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 77
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 78
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 79
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 80
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 81
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 82
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - Vinton: Great Little Town (special section)
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 84
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 85
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 86
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 87
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 88
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 89
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 90
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 91
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 92
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 93
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 94
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 95
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 96
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 97
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 98
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 99
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 100
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 101
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 102
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 103
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 104
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 105
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 106
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 107
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 108
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 109
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 110
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 111
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 112
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 113
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 114
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - The Stunning Mangus Home
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 116
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 117
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 118
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 119
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 120
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 121
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 122
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 123
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 124
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 125
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 126
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 127
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - The Strange Lure of Softball
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 129
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 130
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 131
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 132
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 133
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 134
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - Dining: Red Jasmine and Fork in the Alley
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 136
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 137
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 138
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 139
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 140
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 141
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 142
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 143
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - 144
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - The Dish
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - NEW! Then & Now
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - Cover3
The Roanoker - July/August 2017 - Cover4