Maryland’s Health Matters - BWMC - Spring 2016 - 8

in UM BWMC's critical care unit, with frequent visits from
Dr. Liang and physician assistant Sean Lanehart, PA-C. She
worked with nurses who helped to keep her comfortable and
minimize her headaches, along with physical therapists and
speech therapists.
"I had never been to a hospital before, so it was a very scary
time," says Brittany. "My mom stayed with me in my room,
and it was great being so close to home so she and my sisters
could make trips back and forth. All the nurses, team members
and doctors were so sweet, encouraging me and helping me
focus on healing and getting stronger. I always felt like I was
in good hands."
After making great progress in her recovery, Brittany
returned home the day before Thanksgiving-much sooner
than she predicted. In addition to continuing her physical,
speech and cognitive therapies, resuming school and graduating on time became high priorities. She pushed herself as
much as she could to be able to walk on stage next to her
sisters in May 2015.
"My teachers were very accommodating and understanding of my situation. I home-schooled for one month while my
teachers provided lessons, assignments and homework to
keep me on track," says Brittany. "My mom and sisters were so
supportive during this transition time, too, watching over me
while I regained strength and helping me around the house."
In the spring, Brittany returned to Northeast High School
and resumed her normal life. She purchased her cap and
gown and walked across the stage on graduation day, on
time and in high heels, alongside her two sisters.

To avoid more seizures, Brittany takes preventive medicine
and follows up with Dr. Liang and the Spine and Neuroscience
Center team at UM BWMC twice a year for MRIs and checkups.

Brain and
Brain surgery may be routine for the experts at UM
BWMC, but it's certainly not for you. Our fellowshiptrained neurosurgeons treat patients who have
diseases or disorders of the brain and spine, or who
suffer from severe back or neck pain, or traumatic
brain and spine injuries.
Neurosurgery is for people who have:
■ Degenerative spinal conditions such as stenosis, herniated disks and deformities
■ Spinal trauma
■ Benign or cancerous tumors affecting the
brain, spine and pituitary gland
■ Blood clots in or on the brain from trauma or
■ Blood vessel abnormalities of the brain
■ Peripheral nerve entrapment such as carpal
tunnel syndrome
■ Hydrocephalus, or water on the brain
UM BWMC neurosurgeons are professors at
the University of Maryland School of Medicine and
have completed advanced surgical training to treat
patients who have a wide variety of brain, neck and
spine conditions. They use the latest techniques
and technology to perform both routine and highly
complex procedures.
To find a neurosurgeon or spine surgeon, visit

One year after graduation, with the tumor gone and her life
back to normal, the 18-year-old is looking forward to getting
her driver's license and pursuing a college degree.
"Brittany will always be one of my most special patients,"
says Dr. Liang. "She was scared, but was also remarkably
bright-eyed and ready to tackle any challenge to get back to
her life and her dreams that lie ahead. With a great attitude
and a great team that cared for her here at UM BWMC, she
made a wonderful recovery from her surgery.
"When I heard she went back to school, took AP classes, and
graduated on time with her sisters and friends, it made it all the
more special to me. This exemplifies what we strive for and why
we do what we do. We hope to tackle difficult medical problems and help all our patients return to healthy, happy lives." 

8  Maryland's HealtH Matters

From left: Amiel Bethel, MD, chair of neurosurgery;
Clifford Solomon, MD, director of the Spine and
Neuroscience Center; and Danny Liang, MD, director of
neurosurgical oncology.

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Maryland’s Health Matters - BWMC - Spring 2016

In This Issue
Maryland’s Health Matters - BWMC - Spring 2016 - 1
Maryland’s Health Matters - BWMC - Spring 2016 - In This Issue
Maryland’s Health Matters - BWMC - Spring 2016 - 3
Maryland’s Health Matters - BWMC - Spring 2016 - 4
Maryland’s Health Matters - BWMC - Spring 2016 - 5
Maryland’s Health Matters - BWMC - Spring 2016 - 6
Maryland’s Health Matters - BWMC - Spring 2016 - 7
Maryland’s Health Matters - BWMC - Spring 2016 - 8
Maryland’s Health Matters - BWMC - Spring 2016 - 9
Maryland’s Health Matters - BWMC - Spring 2016 - 10
Maryland’s Health Matters - BWMC - Spring 2016 - 11
Maryland’s Health Matters - BWMC - Spring 2016 - 12
Maryland’s Health Matters - BWMC - Spring 2016 - 13
Maryland’s Health Matters - BWMC - Spring 2016 - 14
Maryland’s Health Matters - BWMC - Spring 2016 - 15
Maryland’s Health Matters - BWMC - Spring 2016 - 16