In Good Health - Fall 2009 - Fairview - (Page 6)

Ladies: new innovative care for incontinence Some women describe pelvic organ prolapse as feeling as if the bladder is falling. But most women have no idea what’s going on “down there” when they first experience symptoms of pelvic prolapse, which is when pelvic organs relax and shift position, affecting the bladder, urethra, uterus and bowels. Talking about prolapse concerns can be more uncomfortable than dealing with painful rubbing, incontinence, or bleeding from vaginal skin irritation. “Many women do not seek treatment because they have no idea what the problem is, and it’s not something that others talk about,” says Beri Ridgeway, MD, a new fellowship-trained gynecologist at Fairview Hospital and Cleveland Clinic who specializes in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery. Patients suffering from pelvic problems, including incontinence, benefit from Dr. Ridgeway’s expertise and the compassionate care she provides for sometimes embarrassing concerns. “People are often very embarrassed and think prolapse is something that is only happening to them,” she says. That’s not the case at all. Many women do not seek care for pelvic organ prolapse, but it is common. About 50 percent of women who give birth vaginally suffer from some form of pelvic relaxation. Fairview Hospital offers a range of nonsurgical treatment options to help women regain confidence and live more comfortably. Is prolapse the problem? Pelvic organ prolapse is much more common in women as they age. Other factors increasing the likelihood of prolapse include vaginal birth, obesity and smoking. Common symptoms include: A dragging or heaviness in the pelvic area Tissue hanging out of the vagina; a visible cervix Irritated, raw or infected skin A lump or heavy sensation in the vagina Pelvic pain or pressure Rubbing of “fallen” skin against thighs or undergarments Uncomfortable sexual intercourse Difficulty emptying bladder or bowels Discreet, Effective Treatment Dr. Ridgeway encourages women to talk about prolapse during an annual gynecological exam. For women who find prolapse bothersome, Fairview Hospital provides the following effective solutions: Observation. Identifying the problem as prolapse, and not cancer, gives peace of mind to women, Dr. Ridgeway says. Exercise. Mild prolapse can be treated with exercises, such as Kegel exercises. Specialized physical therapy may also help a woman improve muscle function. Pessary. This removable disc-shaped device inserts like a diaphragm to lift and hold the prolapse in place. For severe prolapse, a semi-permanent pessary is inserted by a doctor and replaced every three months. Minimally invasive options. In cases that require more advanced treatment than a pessary, Dr. Ridgeway is specially trained to perform the latest minimally invasive procedures that ensure fast recovery. Beri Melissa Ridgeway, MD please join us in welcoming Beri Ridgeway, MD, a fellowship-trained gynecologist who specializes in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery. she provides advanced and innovative treatments for incontinence and prolapse close to home at Fairview Hospital and at Cleveland Clinic. For more information, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ridgeway, please call 216.671.0380. IN GOOD HEALTH FALL 2009

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of In Good Health - Fall 2009 - Fairview

Health Essentials - Fall 2009- Fairview
Heart Tests Come to Local Nursing Homes
Ladies: New Innovative Care for Incontinence
Rapid Recovery From Prostrate Cancer With Advanced Treatment
Create a Healthy Side Dish for your Holiday Turkey

In Good Health - Fall 2009 - Fairview

In Good Health - Fall 2009 - Fairview - Contents (Page Cover1)
In Good Health - Fall 2009 - Fairview - Contents (Page 2)
In Good Health - Fall 2009 - Fairview - Heart Tests Come to Local Nursing Homes (Page 3)
In Good Health - Fall 2009 - Fairview - Heart Tests Come to Local Nursing Homes (Page 4)
In Good Health - Fall 2009 - Fairview - Heart Tests Come to Local Nursing Homes (Page 5)
In Good Health - Fall 2009 - Fairview - Ladies: New Innovative Care for Incontinence (Page 6)
In Good Health - Fall 2009 - Fairview - Rapid Recovery From Prostrate Cancer With Advanced Treatment (Page 7)
In Good Health - Fall 2009 - Fairview - Create a Healthy Side Dish for your Holiday Turkey (Page Cover4)