Northside Lifetime of Care - Winter 2012 - (Page 14)

Be Well immunity Boosters Fend off viruses with these ingredients W ith cold and flu season in full swing, make your culinary experiments work to your advantage this winter by choosing foods that boost your immune system. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain strong immunity boosters—such as vitamins C and E and zinc—which, when consumed year-round as part of a well-balanced diet, provide your body greater fighting power against common viruses. Here are three key immunity boosters and which fruits and veggies are your best bets for each. Vitamin C Benefits: It’s an antioxidant, which protects cells by neutralizing the damaging effects of free radicals. Plus, it promotes resistance to infection, increases production of white blood cells and is important to immune system balance. Sources: Citrus, berries, kiwi, cantaloupe, bell peppers, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, kale, collards, broccoli and spinach. has a protective effect against viral infections like the common cold. Sources: Wheat germ oil, green leafy vegetables, sunflower seeds and oil, almonds and hazelnuts, whole grains and avocados. ZinC Benefits: Stimulates the immune system and inhibits viruses by increasing the number of infectionfighting T-cells. Sources: Beans, pumpkin seeds, ginger root, pecans, split peas, Brazil nuts, whole grains, almonds, walnuts, parsley, garlic and carrots. Vitamin E Benefits: An antioxidant to protect against cell membrane damage, it Download FREE Healthy Recipes 14 Northside Lifetime of Care If you find yourself in a bit of a rut with your weeknight menu, or need a little motivation to pull away from the drive-thru, check out for a variety of recipes and helpful health tips.

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Northside Lifetime of Care - Winter 2012

Northside Lifetime of Care - Winter 2012
Northside News
Healthy Living
A Breath of Fresh Air
Jump-Start Your Winter
A Pain in the Chest
Immunity Boosters
Northside Directory

Northside Lifetime of Care - Winter 2012