J.P. Morgan Income Builder Fund Share Class A (JNBAX) A dynamic, global opportunity set expands yield opportunities. • High yield bonds: The spread between high yield bonds and Treasuries remains above average and could narrow further. • Dividend-paying stocks: Dividends should grow rapidly as companies begin returning surplus cash to investors. Building income in the next decade may require a global strategy with a much broader approach to security selection. J.P. Morgan Funds can help your clients diversify across multiple asset classes to reduce risk and reinforce yield — potentially a better strategy than limiting investments. • Emerging markets debt: Bonds issued by countries with emerging economies will continue to offer substantial yield spread to Treasuries. • Convertible bonds: Convertibles provide an ongoing stream of income and the potential for growth. Many investments currently offer higher yields in exchange for increased risk We believe the best income fund strategy is all over the map. J.P. Morgan Asset Management For illustrative purposes only. “It’s important to understand what an investor is afraid of, making sure they understand how we are using derivatives, and making sure they are comfortable with the total level of risk in the portfolio.” Anne Lester, Portfolio Manager, J.P. Morgan Income Builder Fund NOT FDIC INSURED | NO BANK GUARANTEE | MAY LOSE VALUE jpmorganfunds.com/ExpandYield