How to Exercise If You Have COPD - 3

Keep up with your medicines. If your
doctor has prescribed medications for your
COPD-like an inhaler or nebulizer-make sure
you know how to use them, and take them as
prescribed. Most people find that medicines make
breathing easier, keep flare-ups to a minimum,
and control coughing and wheezing.
Quit smoking. COPD is often caused by
smoking, so the most important thing you can
immediately do to breathe easier is quit once and
for all. You won't be able to undo all the damage,
but even after years of smoking, quitting will help
slow down the disease. It is never too late to kick
the habit.
Deal with COPD
Get annual flu vaccinations. If you have
COPD, you need to get vaccinated for the flu
every year. When people with COPD get the flu,
it often turns into something more serious, like
pneumonia. A flu vaccine can help prevent this
from happening. COVID-19 also presents a greater
risk for people with COPD, so getting a vaccine is
Eat right. Being underweight and overweight
each present challenges for someone with
COPD. Some people might find it hard to fill up
comfortably. Those who are overweight may have
an extra burden on their lungs. Working with a
registered dietitian can help you figure out an
eating pattern that works for you.

How to Exercise If You Have COPD

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of How to Exercise If You Have COPD

How to Exercise If You Have COPD - 1
How to Exercise If You Have COPD - 2
How to Exercise If You Have COPD - 3