Utility Horizons - Second Quarter 2013 - (Page 6)

Utility Horizons™ QUARTERLY is an electronic magazine (‘E-zine’) published four (4) times annually by UtilityHorizons.com, a unit of cfar International Limited, New Orleans, Louisiana USA. Each quarterly issue (Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter) is focused on key aspects of automation and information technology for electric, gas and water utilities and kindred markets. All content is the exclusive property of the copyright holder, and none of the material contained herein may be used, copied, distributed or otherwise used without the express written consent of the copyright holder. Advertising & Editorial Policy Utility Horizons™ QUARTERLY is committed to journalistic excellence and editorial integrity by adhering to stringent guidelines governing format, content and editorial direction. Editorial material is selected exclusively on its merits and relevancy for our readers. We do NOT, under any circumstances, solicit or provide editorial opportunities in exchange for advertising, or vice-versa. Editorial Staff Michael A. Marullo, Editor & Publisher MAM@UtilityHorizons.com +1 504.466.2220 Russell A. Savage, Technology Advisor RAS@UtilityHorizons.com +1 727.372.1217 Diane K. Wyatt, Media Coordinator DKW@UtilityHorizons.com +1 504.466.2220 Publication Staff Creative Services: AAAA Production: AAAA Webmaster: McGrath Media Inc. Contributing Editors & Advisors Russell A. Savage, Technology Advisor RAS@UtilityHorizons.com John Cooper: Contributing Editor JAC@utilityhorizons.com PUBLICATION HEADQUARTERS cfar International Ltd. Post Office Box 641177, Kenner, Louisiana 70064 USA Tel: +1.504-466-2220 Fax: +1 504-466-2230 Toll Free (US & Canada Only): +1-866-806-6549 ©2013 cfar International Limited ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WORLDWIDE Utility Horizons™ is a trademark of cfar International Limited ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WORLDWIDE Inside this issue... • FOCAL POINT (Cover Story): Learn how EPCOR Water Services is harnessing the power of automation across the enterprise in our FOCALPOINT feature (p.16) • The BLeading Edge: Inside Tracks (Interview): Leading consultants from electric, gasand water sectors discuss the most pressing drivers, issues and trendsfacing utilities and the evolving role for automated solutions. • The BLeading Edge: A leap into advanced technology andinnovation from a practical perspective! • TOPIC FORUMS: Industry experts address Regulatory,Education and Standardization topics in a balanced and informativestyle. • On The HORIZON: On The HORIZON: Research-based Automation/ IT marketinsights and commentary from hi-profile thought leaders andconsultants PLUS: Guest Editorials, Industry News, Book Reviews and much more! Publisher’s Message.....................................................................................................3 And Now for Something Completely Different… Contents...........................................................................................................................6 The QUEUE..........................................8 When Automation Wasn’t Cool… Automation Rising!..........................10 A Chronicle of Automation News for the Global Utility Marketplace 12 Inside Tracks .............................................. Smart Grid Outlook: To everything there is a season… INSIDE TRACKS FOCAL POINT................................................................................................................16 Automation and Innovation at Epcor Water Services BLeading Edge: Advanced Technology Perspectives..........................................26 Consumer Engagement: The Future Goes Mobile.......................................26 Demand Response: Why The Future is in the Cloud.....................................31 Building Paths to Smarter Water Management...............................................35 Bullet-proofing Your SCADA System Against the Evil-doers....................38 6 • UTILITY HORIZONS • Q2 - 2013 www.UtilityHorizons.com http://www.litossc.com http://www.UtilityHorizons.com http://www.UtilityHorizons.com

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Utility Horizons - Second Quarter 2013

Utility Horizons - Second Quarter 2013
Publisher’s Message
The Queue
Automation Rising!
Inside Tracks
Focal Point
Automation and Innovation at Epcor Water Services
BLeading Edge: Advanced Technology Perspectives
Consumer Engagement: The Future Goes Mobile
Demand Response: Why the Future Is in the Cloud
Building Paths to Smarter Water Management
Bullet-Proofing Your Scada System Against the Evil-Doers
Education Matters
Standard Bearings
Regulation De Rigueur
On the Horizon
Thinking It Through With Sparky Flamedrop
Loose Ends

Utility Horizons - Second Quarter 2013
