R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 19



When planning a garden, it is valuable to envision outdoor living
spaces that provide joy and beauty in all seasons. Unfortunately,
many begin with great ideas for their garden but become frustrated
in the years that follow because their garden does not receive the
care it needs after the installation is complete. Gardens-like the
car you drive and your home HVAC system-require regular maintenance, especially since they house living organisms that grow and
change over time. In fact, no garden plant can fulfill its role without
careful pruning. With proper care, however, you can ensure that the
value of your garden investment will increase as plants grow in size,
vigor, and beauty.
Appropriate garden care requires knowledge of plant growth habits
and responses to pruning. The best gardeners take time to learn
about their plants and how to enable each one to play its role with
excellence. Plants are not inanimate objects to be shaped or " finished " in a single session. Rather, successful pruners have learned
the secrets of training their valuable plants over time, to thrive
together in a graceful, cultured setting.
Appropriate garden care requires skilled, experienced eyes and
hands to see the potential and then develop the garden into a
living " painting " , using the best plant- care techniques. The prime
commandment is " First, do no harm! " Too often, unskilled cutting
results in hacked-off branches and over-sheared hedges with dead
or dying interiors. An experienced, caring pruner will provide timely
guidance for the plants in his or her care, allowing the plants to
reach their potential within the spatial constraints of each unique
Appropriate garden care takes effort, not just to accomplish the
regular tasks of planting, pruning, and shaping, but also to keep
on caring. When the desire to care wanes, achieving a well-loved
garden is almost impossible. A garden care team will help you keep
your dream alive!
Hanselman Landscape specializes in nurturing gardens. We would
be honored to partner with you to realize a garden you will cherish
now and into the future.

Betty Hanselman

Hanselman Landscape
& Gardens

	ask the experts

We are realizing the value of beautiful home surroundings and are considering a major landscape
project. How can we avoid the waste of money and
lost years of opportunity when unattractive plantings need to be thrown out and replaced? Can we
ensure that our garden investment will grow in
beauty and value as the years pass?


R&A Magazine - Winter 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of R&A Magazine - Winter 2021

R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 1
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 2
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - Contents
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 4
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 5
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 6
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 7
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 8
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 9
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 10
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 11
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R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 13
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R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 16
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 17
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 18
R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 19
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R&A Magazine - Winter 2021 - 24-REV
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