NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 25

International Roundup
› NEMA Hosts Visiting Delegations to Discuss Smart Grid and High Performance Buildings
NEMA’s well-earned national reputation as a leading authority on Smart Grid and High Performance Buildings (HPB) is rapidly going global. Groups that have had contact with NEMA over the past several years, particularly from Asia, are now requesting meetings to both learn about and to share information on both of these subjects. Visitors from Japan, China, and Hong Kong have met recently with NEMA staff. The delegations included representatives from government, industry, utilities, trade associations, and research institutions. Our reviews with them stress the following: •	 NEMA	members	are	at	the	center	of	 technology development in both Smart Grid and HPBs. •	 The Smart Grid roadmap, which was developed by NIST in close collaboration with industry, serves as the focal point for the development of Smart Grid product standards in the U.S. •	 NIST	is	serving	as	the	national	 coordinator for Smart Grid Interoperability, but much of the work is now coordinated through the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP), a new public/private partnership. •	 Although	there	is	a	long	list	of	standards	 available to support Smart Grid, many of these standards need to be
NEMA shared insight and strategies on Smart Grid, high performance buildings, and global standards with delegates from the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

modified or enhanced to drive Smart Grid interoperability. These standards improvement projects, also know as Priority Action Plans (PAPs), are directing the work of such standards development organizations as ANSI and IEC. •	 SGIP,	of	which	NEMA’s	John	 Caskey is vice chair of the governing board and NEMA’s Paul Molitor is plenary secretary, has grown into an international organization with almost 600 member organizations. •	 NEMA	encourages	collaboration	in	 standards development among each of

the countries, SGIP, and the various PAPs, reminding all that the process is open to participation from experts from any country. •	 HPBs	are	increasingly	being	seen	as	 targets for investment, particularly by During the course of these meetings, NEMA has learned that no country has mounted a national effort in Smart Grid development comparable to that undertaken in the U.S. While individual utilities in each of the countries are purchasing and installing smart meters, there is little additional investment being made throughout their respective systems to transform the grids. There is recognition and widespread interest in the approach being taken in the U.S. NEMA will continue to collaborate with international delegations in the area of standards development and harmonization. Our goal is to ensure that members’ products will be accessible in these growing markets. ei

China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association visited in May. NEMA has a Memorandum of Understanding with CEEIA that calls for the two associations to cooperate on common projects such as standards, anti-counterfeiting, energy efficiency, and hazardous substance requirements.

Gene Eckhart, Director of International Trade |
NEMA electroindustry


July 2010



NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010

NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - i
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - c1
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - c2
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 1
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 2
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 3
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 4
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 5
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 6
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 7
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 8
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 9
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 10
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 11
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 12
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 13
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 14
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 15
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 16
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 17
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 18
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 19
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 20
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 21
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 22
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 23
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 24
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 25
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 26
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 27
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - 28
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - c3
NEMA’s electroindustry July 2010 - c4