AutoMOTIVE 5 - (Page 46)

toledo editorial.qxd 24/11/06 11:02 am Page 46 paint shop is fully automated with 65 robots applying The Toledo Supplier Park is flexible enough to handle body sealing and sound deadeners. The powder primer, more than the two current models. KUKA has a future base coat and top coat are all automated and twin o p t i o n for one more derivative with a similar c o l o u r spray booths offer flexibility. The finished underbody and a future option for one more unique painted bodies are transferred to Chrysler Group final vehicle with the same architecture. Both Magna and trim and assembly via a trestle capable of holding two OMMC are equally flexible. hours of inventory and a sequencing buffer holds two O M M C operates a 210,500 square feet facility hours of finished products. Magna is also responsible employing 150 workers on one shift and 291 on two for sending a just-in-time/just-in-sequence signal to shif ts, according to plant manager Larry Lange. The key module suppliers such as OMMC and Visteon. Mark company produces the complete chassis module and Hogan is in no doubt about the potential of the project. wheel/tyre sets for the two Wrangler models and has 45 I've been in the business for 35 years and I can smell a manned work stations. An RFID-driven vehicle tracking winner, he enthuses. s ys te m monitors the parts installed as part of an KUKA operates and e x te n s i ve error-proofing manages the body shop on system as well as torque data DaimlerChrysler is our company's t h e basis of a `pay on fo r the safety joints. Kyu- produc tion' model similar to Hwan Han, vice chairman of most valued customer and I am the other partners. The p a r e n t company Hyundai convinced that the new 3 3 5 , 0 0 0 square feet shop Mobis, is full of praise for the generation Jeep Wrangler will be a employs 229 workers and is way in which the project has big seller e q u i p p e d with 245 KUKA been integrated. Everyone robots, 168 servo weld guns involved in the supplier park Gerhard Wiedemann, CEO , KUKA and DC mid-frequency p r o j e c t has worked well welders, eleven roller hemming robots to complete all together and it is an honour to be part of it, he says. closures and a modular gripping system. It is one of The supplier park project is not only unique in North the most modern systems in the world, says CEO American auto manufacturing but it secures much- G e r h a rd Wiedemann. DaimlerChrysler is our needed jobs in an otherwise hard-pressed city. The company 's most valued customer and I am convinced supplier park has not only brought a significant new that the new generation Jeep Wrangler will be a big investment to the Toledo area, says Lloyd Mahaffey, seller. UAW regional director, it also proves that by working The `pay on production' contrac ts are not dissimilar together, the UAW, government and Chrysler Group to those in existence elsewhere. The structure is pretty can create good paying jobs in America. These jobs simple to calculate because we know what the fixed would otherwise have gone to Mexico. costs are, the cost of capital and things of that nature, Keeping companies like Chrysler Group in Toledo s ay s Tom LaSorda. Peter Rosenfeld was the chief and providing an opportunity to grow and expand its negotiator in our discussions with the three suppliers operations is a major step towards stimulating growth and it's basically just like any other large assembly in the Toledo area, says Carty Finkbeiner, Toledo mayor. contrac t; we do it with Magna Steyr in Europe. The T h i s new plant structure is clearly the future of contrac ts are set up knowing what we think the volume manufac turing and we're proud to be at the centre of it. is going to be. We believe we have a stable product that The Jeep Wrangler is a part of our history and we love the fact that it's built here in Toledo. a has been around for over 20 years so we're looking at the volumes being in a very stable range. 46

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AutoMOTIVE 5

Editors Note
Here For The Long Haul
Halewood. Rebirth of a Car Plant
Safety First
Focus on Flexibility
A Prophet Without Honour?
Chrysler Cuts It Four Ways
A MINI For All Reasons
Porsche Plans Continuous Logistics Improvement
Flawless, Consistent Execution
Ford's European Supplier Parks Deliver Lean Manufacturing Efficiencies
Cheap and Cheerful
Onwards and Upwards
Schrader and Siemens Electronics Assembly Systems Take the Pressure
No Faults Forward
A Long Way From Wheelbarrows and Bath Tubs
A New Era in US/Japanese Cooperation
A Dialogue of the Deaf