Greater Reading Chamber Commerce Quarterly Spring 2017 - 28

small business matters

Let Your
Office Go
to the Dogs!

Compiled by the Suzy Rae Design Team, with
special contributions by Barley and Maya

magine walking into your job on
a Monday morning and no matter
what kind of mood you happen to
be in, you smile, because a furry face
and a wagging tail come to greet you.
At Suzy Rae Design, dogs are part of
the workplace environment and part
of the team. Six years ago, Suzy
Lysczek, owner of the advertising
design agency in Wyomissing, decided
to bring her new silver Labrador
puppy named Maya to the office, not
wanting to leave her at home all day
while she was working. The staff immediately fell in love with the addition
to the team.
What comes along with a new
adorable puppy? Chewing! And lots
of it. Several adjustments needed to
be made to the office, such as hiding
wires, equipment and other hazards to Maya. Even with everything
put away, Maya still got into trouble as puppies do. Maya now six,
comes to work with Suzy just about every day and is part of the Suzy
Rae Design team. She looks forward to greeting clients, vendors and
the delivery person daily.
Since then, another dog was added to the team, Barley, a rescue
from the Animal Rescue League. Barley is a mixed breed, a little
more protective of the office. His job is "security." No noise or
person comes into the office without getting past Barley. Both are a
great addition to the workplace environment.
"Having the dogs in the office is a definite morale booster and
brings a sense of calmness to the environment," said Suzy Lysczek.
Kim Lewis, a recent hire to the Suzy Rae Design team, was not
sure of what to expect when she started working there. "I was never
around dogs in my life, but now I want one of my own! Both Maya
and Barley are great. It adds a comic relief to the day. You never
know what they are going to do!"

According to Nan Parks, Marketing Director of the Animal
Rescue League, "There are many advantages to having pets in the
workplace, from boosting morale to employee conversation starters."
There are a couple of things to consider before having a pet in the
* Does the building and/or landlord allow pets?
* Are your pets up to date with flea and tick treatments and other

* Are they good social pets, welcoming and happy to see people?

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Greater Reading Chamber Commerce Quarterly Spring 2017

Greater Reading Chamber Commerce Quarterly Spring 2017 - 1
Greater Reading Chamber Commerce Quarterly Spring 2017 - 2
Greater Reading Chamber Commerce Quarterly Spring 2017 - 3
Greater Reading Chamber Commerce Quarterly Spring 2017 - 4
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Greater Reading Chamber Commerce Quarterly Spring 2017 - 6
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