Boating Industry Canada October 2015 - (Page 18)

AD NAUSEAM the Face of Your Place First a song. Be glad there's one place in the world where everybody knows your name, And they're always glad you came; you want to go where people know, people are all the same; you want to go where everybody knows your name. 18 Boating Industry Canada OCTOBER 2015 BY JOHN MORRIS You can hear that song, I'm sure; the theme from Cheers. And yes, you're running a marina not a corner bar, but doesn't it come to the same thing? When your customers come into your premises, they are looking for that feeling - the feeling when you enter Cheers. Friends - people who share your world even when the rest of the world is crazy. When a boater heads to his or her boat, they are leaving the real world behind, just as they do when they head to their favorite pub. Just as they arrive with a knapsack that contains a few problems, they are looking for the warm smile and welcome greeting. But there's more. To you it's a business - to

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Boating Industry Canada October 2015

Industry News
GE SpotlIght
PRODUCT FOCUS – IBEX SHOW 2015: IBEX 2015 was a treasure trove of new products and Boating Industry Canada brings you the show coverage plus a number of video interviews. – by Andy Adams
Ad Nauseam
IMPACT - MARK BRUCKMANN: A long overdue profile on Bruckmann Yachts, at the heart of Canadian boatbuilding since the dawn of fiberglass. – by Andy Adams
MADE IN CANADA – MARSKEEL: For Mars Metal of Burlington Ontario, it’s what’s on the bottom that counts and their MarsKeel diviosion has established itself as a global leader in lead ballast keels – by Glen Cairns
MADE IN CANADA – VOYAGER: Voyager Self Steering Inc. was founded by Peter Teitz, a Canadian sailor and retired machinist/patternmaker living in Kitchener, Ontario. – by Glen Cairns

Boating Industry Canada October 2015