Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 12



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How It Works: You already know that massage
eases tense muscles, relieves headaches and
reduces joint pain. But it has also proved effective
for combating stress by increasing the feel-good
hormones serotonin and dopamine. In one study,
heart rate slowed and the relaxation response
kicked in after five minutes of massage. "Giving
yourself permission to take an hour to wind down
is relaxing in and of itself," says Daniel Kirsch, the
president of the American Institute of Stress.
You don't have to spend big bucks at a spa to
get the stress-busting benefits of massage. Ask
a friend to rub your shoulders or give yourself a
foot or hand massage to ease stress.
When to Use It: When you can take a short
Massage proves that you don't have to work
hard to relieve stress. Once the appointment is
made, all you have to do is choose a scented oil,
listen to the nature soundtrack and enjoy the feeling of a skilled therapist working out the kinks. If
you're uncomfortable with a stranger seeing you
unclothed (for some, it adds stress), try Thai massage. You'll wear loose-fitting clothing while the
therapist presses rhythmically and moves your
body into positions that ease tension.


hile some stressors are
fleeting-like the butterflies
you feel before a nurse draws
blood-a constant barrage of
them can cause serious health
issues. Stress has been linked
to headaches, fatigue, depression and heart disease, leading the American Psychological Association to declare
that the nation is on the verge of a stress-induced public
health crisis.
"To ease stress, we need to take a break and make time
for things that relax us," explains Mary Ann Bauman,
MD, a spokeswoman for the American Heart Association.
"If we keep exposing ourselves to stress without taking
time to recharge, we end up getting sick."
The possible health implications of stress have led to
countless newspaper headlines, best-selling books, TV
shows and radio segments urging you to calm down. The
avalanche of advice can actually add to your stress level.
When you feel the familiar symptoms of stress-chest
pain, insomnia, upset stomach, sweating, a lack of concentration-should you veg in front of your favorite sitcom? Tuck into a child's pose? Make an appointment for a
neck massage? Go for a brisk walk?
It depends.
"There is no one-size-fits-all solution for stress relief,"
Bauman says.
The techniques that are effective for combating stress
depend on the situation. Do you want to know which
proven stress-busting strategies work in different situations? Keep reading-and try to relax.


Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare

Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare
Community Message
Community Briefs
Making the Grade
Stroke Survivors
Stress SOS
The Truth About Sunscreen
The Transformers
Get Your Head in the Game
The Journey Continues
On the Cover
The Foot Follies
Friendly Fat
Virtual Health
What’s New?
SPOTLIGHT ON: Community Hospital
SPOTLIGHT ON: St. Catherine Hospital
SPOTLIGHT ON: St. Mary Medical Center
Finding the Silver Lining
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - Cover2
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - Contents
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - Community Message
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - Community Briefs
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - Making the Grade
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 5
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - Stroke Survivors
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 7
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 8
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 9
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - Stress SOS
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 11
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 12
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 13
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 14
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 15
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - The Truth About Sunscreen
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 17
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 18
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 19
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - The Transformers
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 21
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 22
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 23
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - Get Your Head in the Game
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 25
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 26
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 27
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - The Journey Continues
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 29
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 30
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 31
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - On the Cover
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 33
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 34
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 35
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 36
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 37
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - The Foot Follies
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 39
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 40
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 41
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - Friendly Fat
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 43
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 44
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 45
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - Virtual Health
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 47
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 48
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - What’s New?
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - SPOTLIGHT ON: Community Hospital
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 51
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - SPOTLIGHT ON: St. Catherine Hospital
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 53
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - SPOTLIGHT ON: St. Mary Medical Center
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - 55
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - Finding the Silver Lining
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - Cover3
Vim & Vigor - Summer 2014 - Community Healthcare - Cover4