One + February 2011 - (Page 82)

YOUR COMMUNITY Bring It On MPI’S STUDENTS IN EUROPE ARE TAKING CONTROL OF THEIR EDUCATION AND PROVIDING VALUE TO THEIR PEERS AND THEIR LEADERS. THE STUDENTS’ CHAMPION Paul Cook realized his MPI student members needed help moving from academia into business. It was 2007, and Cook was the president of the MPI UK Chapter (now the UK and Ireland Chapter). “There was no real focus on students at the time, which didn’t make a lot of sense, especially as the students of today will become the buyers of tomorrow,” recalls Cook, who is now a member of the MPI Global Membership Advisory Council. He and a handful of fellow chapter members began a tour of local colleges and universities, bent on using their knowledge and experience to help the country’s students start Book It The MPI Store can jump-start your career with this and other books that matter. Kiss, Bow or Shake Hands Terri Morrison and Wayne A. Conaway In Egypt, is it customary for the guest or the host to begin eating first? At what point in a meeting in Japan is it considered polite to start talkh d h ing business? In which countries does yes actually mean no? Answers to these and other questions aren’t just trivia; they’re vital information for executives, managers, sales and marketing specialists and other people who carry your organization’s name and reputation around the world. Open borders, minds and markets in countries worldwide. (, US$13) MPI Through and Through Arts and conference center The Barbican boasts five MPI UK & Ireland Chapter members, including one past president and one president elect. Anthony Hyde explains why. I was introduced to MPI nearly 10 years ago when I joined The Barbican Centre, and I immediately immersed myself in the organization’s various committees and growth opportunities. Now as the head of corporate sales, I am able to influence Barbican policy and ensure that all staff who want to develop themselves 82 one+ 02.11 > their career journeys. They hosted interactive exercises, gave CV and presentation advice, staged mock interviews and provided direct feedback on the reality of working in the event industry. By 2010, people were noticing. The Switzerland Convention and Incentive Bureau decided to sponsor a Dragons’ Den-style competition for the event management students. MEET YOUR FUTURE Students are empowering themselves now. Last summer, six Stenden University (Leeuwarden, The Netherlands) students organized MPI’s The Next Generation Event, an interactive function in The Hague. Themed “Meet YOUR Future,” the event provided insights into the future of the meeting industry, featured a holographic presentation and a keynote from trend watcher Adjiedj Bakas. The students were sponsored by scholarships from the World Forum. YOUNG AMBASSADOR Jarmila Galikova has earned a scholarship from the MPI Italia Chapter Past Presidents Club in memory of Vanessa Cotton, a longtime event professional. A UK & Ireland student member, Galikova received fully sponsored attendance (flights, accommodations and registration fees) at the Annual Assembly in Venice. “Who knows where some opportunities come from, but it is clear that these students are making their way into the events world,” Cook says. “It is up to all of us to welcome them as the next generation of event professionals.” CHAPTER SPOTLIGHT and progress their careers can be members. I encourage them to make the most of the opportunities presented by MPI. MPI’s global nature and its focus on individual growth and learning make it the ideal association for my team—they can improve and develop through chapter and global initiatives. We pay the fees on behalf of our team and set time aside and plan in advance for individuals involved on committees to meet the additional demands placed on their time. Our business development manager and the UK & Ireland’s next president, Samme Allen, is the perfect example of someone who has grown through the association. She joined while working at a small, London-based recruitment agency specializing in the event industry. When the recession hit, membership became an incredible asset, allowing her to receive support from other members and ultimately her role here. Much is made of the fact that our association is based around individual membership, and quite rightly so. MR. JANUARY Anthony Hyde is not only a proud MPI member, he’s also known as Mr. January in the 2011 MPI EMEA Chapter Leaders Calendar, an idea that was born on a ranch in Dallas during last year’s Chapter Business Summit. Check the calendar’s Facebook page at mpicalendar and order a copy.

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of One + February 2011

One + February 2011
Energy of Many
The Productivity Cloud
MPIWeb Connect
Events for Life
Gateway to the Future
Top Spots
It Was Not Interesting
The Wrong Words
Up to Snuff
That’s Enough Facebook
Super Foods to the Rescue
Shoring Resources
Jack and Smoke
Accidentally on Purpose
Staying on Top of Tech
The Joy of Work
Plan to Run
Productivity on the Go
Angel of the Favelas
Your Community
Making a Difference
Until We Meet Again
MPI’s 2011 Meeting Guide to Canada
Banff Centre
Ottawa Tourism
Tourisme Montréal
The Buzz
InterContinental Canada
Caesars Windsor
Vintage Hotels
The Great Green North
Whistler, British Columbia
Meetings and Conventions Calgary
Scotiabank Convention Centre

One + February 2011