NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 46

36th NSBE ANNuAl CoNvENtioN PrEviEw ToronTo, Canada • MarCh 31– april 4, 2010 ENgiNEEriNg A gloBAl imPACt Your New Collegiate Conference lessings and Love, NSBE Family. First off, I would like to tell you how excited I am about our first international convention. Toronto was proven to be the consummate city in Region I to host the expanding powerhouse NSBE has become. With such a dynamic canvas and pallet to work with, we have gone to great lengths to bring the Toronto experience to our collegiate membership. We know Toronto is going to be our most memorable convention city to date Yeah, I said it!! This convention is special for myriad reasons. It is “the people’s convention,” because all of the decisions, the frills, the bells and whistles for this event are MEMBERSHIP-DRIVEN! Re-engineeRing the Convention’s DnA Two summers ago, we began analyzing the structure of the last five conventions and getting feedback from convention-goers as far as 20 years back. We’re not re-inventing the wheel, HOWEVER, we definitely can use an oil and fluid change, adjust the suspension, shift the gear ratio You get the point. Here are a few things for this year’s Collegiate Conference for Thursday and Friday: • The Collegiate Conference begins at 10:00 a.m. with regional meetings and handling of important regional, membership business. We acknowledge the cramming, preparation and sleep deprivation for Annual Convention attendees. Now you can experience the convention fresh and alert for the amazing sessions and those power interviews. Any vital convention updates or announcements will be communicated by your regional board. • “Early Bird” block – 8:00 to 10:00 a.m: Attendees will have ample time to handle registration and get breakfast. The Test Prep, Academic Technical Bowl, Technical Research Expo and all other competitions will begin, as well, freeing up time during the day to experience more of the convention. • General Sessions will be in the evening. Experience an exciting full conference day, then let the energy of Opening Session carry over to Thursday and Friday evenings. General Sessions will have some of the greatest speakers of the weekend, and we don’t want you to miss them. • The new modifications will minimize scheduling conflicts with the Career Fair, thus maximizing your career access opportunities. We got you covered, so bring your “A” game! Our Speakers and Workshop manager, Latoya McPherson, is working diligently to ensure we have quality, signature workshops that change lives. This year’s Collegiate workshop tracks are: Leading a Global Future in Our Professional Success; Leading a Global Future in Our Technical Advancement; Leading a Global Future in Our Cultural Awareness; and Leading a Global Future in Our Personal and Professional Development. The dynamic city of Toronto is almost as excited to have us as we are to go there. Sometimes I think more so. Our entertainment manager, David Yeates — who in addition to being a successful engineer is also an amazing DJ at the heart of the Toronto entertainment scene — is ensuring we have a variety of entertainment to satisfy all. This year, we are introducing “The Entertainment Pavilion: A Microcosm of the City of Toronto,” which presents a variety of evening activities — live bands, gaming, a talent competition, comedy and spiritual enrichment — all going on simultaneously. Whatever excuse you have not to come to Toronto is NOT worth it. This is your convention and your time. So be a leader, and make it happen! Raphael Charles NSBE 2010 Annual Convention Director of Programs rcharles@nsbecpc2010.org 46 • • winter 2009 www.nsbe.org Raphael Charles “We’re not about to reinvent the wheel. HOWEVER…” nsbe magazine

NSBE - Winter 2009/2010

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NSBE - Winter 2009/2010

NSBE - Winter 2009/2010
Success to Significance
My Story
The Programs Zone
International News
Membership News
Chapter News
Congresswoman Honored for NSBE Lifetime Membership
A Walk For Education
NSBE Calendar
Career Outlook
Take the Lead
Make No Mistakes
Maryland's E-Board Joins the Navy
A Walk Too Far?
2014... It's Nashville!
Convention Preview
The AE Niche
When the Terror is Real
NSBE Aerospace Systems Conference Preview
AE Members on the Move
Tech Gifts for the Holidays
Advertisers Index
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - NSBE - Winter 2009/2010
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - Cover2
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 1
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - Contents
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 3
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 4
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 5
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - Success to Significance
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 7
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - My Story
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 9
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 10
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 11
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 12
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 13
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - The Programs Zone
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 15
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 16
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - International News
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 18
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 19
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 20
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - Membership News
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 22
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 23
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - Chapter News
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 25
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 26
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - Congresswoman Honored for NSBE Lifetime Membership
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - A Walk For Education
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - NSBE Calendar
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - Career Outlook
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 31
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - Take the Lead
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - Make No Mistakes
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 34
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 35
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - Maryland's E-Board Joins the Navy
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - A Walk Too Far?
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 38
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 39
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 2014... It's Nashville!
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 41
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 42
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 43
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - Convention Preview
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 45
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 46
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 47
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 48
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 49
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NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 52
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NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 55
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 56
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 57
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 58
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 59
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 60
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - The AE Niche
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 62
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - When the Terror is Real
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 64
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - NSBE Aerospace Systems Conference Preview
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 66
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 67
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 68
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - 69
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - AE Members on the Move
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - Tech Gifts for the Holidays
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - Advertisers Index
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - Cover3
NSBE - Winter 2009/2010 - Cover4