Teen Resource Guide - 5


Often times we find ourselves trying to do several things at once because our schedules are very hectic – you may even consider yourself an expert at multitasking! However, the one place you cannot afford added distractions is behind-the-wheel of your vehicle. Did you know that researchers have identified as many as 1,700 subtasks which are performed while we are driving? 1,700! These subtasks involve planning, maneuvering the vehicle, and controlling the vehicle. When you think of all of the things our brains are processing while we are driving, do we really have the ability to add even one additional action to the mix? Take into account the fact that driving is something new which you haven’t even begun to master yet and it’s easy to understand why texting, talking on a cell phone, or managing a rowdy passenger can pose deadly risks. You’ve heard countless times about how cell phones and passengers can take your attention away from the road, but have you considered how other seemingly simple tasks can distract your attention? For example, changing the radio station, having a pet in the car, eating, drinking a soda or coffee, checking your hair in the mirror, or thinking about an argument you just had, can all take your eyes and mind off of the road just long enough to cause a crash (it only takes a second) – and what about things happening outside of the vehicle? A car pulled over on the side of the road, a crash scene, or even looking at the scenery while

you are driving are all risky when you’re behind-the-wheel. Refer back to the above section on speed for a reminder of how far a car can travel in just a few seconds!

5 | Teen Driver Resource Guide • www.dmv.ny.gov


Teen Resource Guide

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Teen Resource Guide

Teen Resource Guide
Table of Contents
Teen Perceptions on Risk Page
Useful Links
Speed Facts
A Word About Inexperience
Responsible Decisions
Vehicle Safety
Always be Prepared
Things You Will Need for the Road Test
How Can I Schedule My Road Test?
When You Pass the Road Test
Graduated Driver Licensing
Step 1: Junior Permit
Step 2: Junior License
Step 3: Senior License
Regional Restrictions At-A-Glance
New York State’s Drinking and Driving Laws and How They Affect Your Driving Privilege
Zero Tolerance
Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI)
Driving While Intoxicated
Leandra’s Law
Parent/Teen Agreement
Personal Driving Log
Important Definitions
Teen Resource Guide - Teen Resource Guide
Teen Resource Guide - Cover2
Teen Resource Guide - A
Teen Resource Guide - B
Teen Resource Guide - Table of Contents
Teen Resource Guide - Teen Perceptions on Risk Page
Teen Resource Guide - Useful Links
Teen Resource Guide - Speed Facts
Teen Resource Guide - A Word About Inexperience
Teen Resource Guide - Distractions
Teen Resource Guide - Responsible Decisions
Teen Resource Guide - 7
Teen Resource Guide - Vehicle Safety
Teen Resource Guide - Always be Prepared
Teen Resource Guide - Things You Will Need for the Road Test
Teen Resource Guide - 11
Teen Resource Guide - How Can I Schedule My Road Test?
Teen Resource Guide - 13
Teen Resource Guide - When You Pass the Road Test
Teen Resource Guide - 15
Teen Resource Guide - Graduated Driver Licensing
Teen Resource Guide - Step 1: Junior Permit
Teen Resource Guide - Step 2: Junior License
Teen Resource Guide - Step 3: Senior License
Teen Resource Guide - Regional Restrictions At-A-Glance
Teen Resource Guide - 21
Teen Resource Guide - Driving While Intoxicated
Teen Resource Guide - Leandra’s Law
Teen Resource Guide - Parent/Teen Agreement
Teen Resource Guide - Personal Driving Log
Teen Resource Guide - 26
Teen Resource Guide - Important Definitions
Teen Resource Guide - 28