Spirit Magazine - March 2014 - (Page 66)

Check-6™ Logistics Solutions™ (C6LS) is a company dedicated to reducing the time and cost it takes to move a rig, while increasing safety and efficiency. Check-6 Logistics Solutions, a subsidiary of Check-6, helps companies reduce and normalize the cost of doing business. Their team of experts, hand-picked from military and commercial aviation, have been battle-tested in combat, and know that safety and efficiency means lives and dollars saved on each and every rig move. The C6LS team uses its experience to produce impressive results. Check-6 Texas Panhandle Rig Move Performance 10 9 8 DAYS 7 6 BOX ON BOX TRIPLE Previous Average C6 Move 1 C6 Move 2 C6 Move 3 C6 Move 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 With days per rig move decreased, Check-6 Logistics Solutions routinely generates between 25-50% in efficiency. This could mean saving a million dollars per rig each year. When Check-6 Logistics Solutions is working with your crews, safety is improved, and work-related incidents decrease dramatically. With the support and cooperation of operators, drillers, and trucking companies they take their expertise, planning and communication skills to bring everyone together as a team. Consistent planning. Impressive results. It all adds up to Check-6 Logistics Solutions. Operating with the greater good in mind may not always be easy, but it can be a winning strategy. mountains, cultural commons like customs, and even digital commons like the Internet. No one owns them, but we all use and benefit from them, and we are all responsible for them. It's a compelling idea, but why should the commons be integrated into a business school curriculum? Burke makes it sound like a nobrainer. "It's critical for future leaders to understand that, in addition to the private sector and public sector, there are resources we hold in common, and they need to be protected." According to Burke, the market is not yet beginning to demand that perspective, at least not in a mainstream way. However, "people are beginning to understand that if we don't protect the common good, there won't be healthy markets." So, what is a well-intentioned company to do? "A very narrowly defined view of business is you grab the input resources at their cheapest and maximize profits by unloading at any cost," says Burke. A better way, he insists, is to take a hard look at your business and ask whether anyone or anything is being exploited along the way. Do you ship using eco-friendly materials? Are you paying a fair wage? Do you give back to your community in some meaningful way? Of course, it's not always simple to factor in the greater good, particularly after a troubling quarterly meeting. But, Burke says even small positive steps are valuable. Good Guys (and Gals) Finish First Terry understands the complex decision-making that often goes into doing the right thing. He says there are times when monthly budgets and good intentions collide, "then you step back and tell yourself that you do this 12 months a year, so don't put this one under the microscope and reevaluate what you think is right." Recycling at P. Terry's is one example of a complicated and evolving solution. The stores started with recyclable food packaging, then added a dumpster to each location so all materials from the back of the house get recycled. While trash from the front of the house represents a small percentage of the store's waste, space and logistics issues make recycling it an unresolved but nagging concern. Terry says, "We have an ongoing conversation with ourselves on how to improve, and I'm confident there'll be a time when we will recycle more." These efforts matter, Burke says, and from bond ratings that factor in sustainability practices to customers with high expectations, they will likely have more and more impact on success. It's a natural progression. Many companies, like Patagonia, are already holding themselves to a higher standard, and they make a profit. Terry says the connection between the "do good" mantra and the success of their burger stands is undeniable. "I get too many customer comments to think otherwise." Give a Little, Gain a Lot Even on an individual scale, there is evidence that generous people are more successful than selfish ones. In his book, Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success, Wharton professor Adam Grant contends that most people fall into one of three categories: givers, takers, or matchers. Givers give with no expectation of return, takers are only in it for themselves, and matchers give based on an assumption of reciprocity. Motivation, skills, and opportunity being equal, guess who tends to be http://www.checksix.com

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Spirit Magazine - March 2014

Spirit Magazine - March 2014
Gary’s Greeting
Gary’s Greeting en Español
Star of the Month
Freedom Story
From the Editor
Your Words
Your Pictures
Media Center
Eat Drink Sleep
Wise Guide
The New American Dream
Your Adventure In New York City
Community Outreach
Products & Services
Flight Service
Terminal Maps
Rapid Rewards and A+ Rewards Partners
Route Map
The “If” List

Spirit Magazine - March 2014
