SEAHO Report - Summer 2017 - 16

SEAHO Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee
We cannot simply close our eyes to an area of improvement and hope it will fix itself over time. As we compile
emails or year-in-review pamphlets to share what is celebrated from one year to the next, we must also include
the areas of improvements that we are working on and how we will be looking improve.
In the November 2016 report, "Advancing Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education: Key Data Highlights
Focusing on Race and Ethnicity and Promising Practices" by the US Department of Education's Office of
Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development, one of key the findings revealed when researching continuing
educational inequities and opportunity gaps in access and completing a postsecondary education is the
importance for diversity across all levels of an institution. Statistics show the direct relationship between
"faculty members' curricular decisions and pedagogy, including their individual interactions with students,
can foster inclusive climates and students report that it is important for them to see themselves reflected in the
faculty and curriculum to which they are exposed to create a sense of belonging and inclusiveness."
Restarting the Heart of Inclusive Hiring
Being diverse and inclusive with our hiring practices is being held under closer and closer microscopes for
observation; particularly to catch any type of subliminally overt or unintentionally wrong doing. It is important
to consider every part of your hiring process from who serves on the selection and interview team to the
narrative that it utilized in a position post. In an October 2015 article by Siofra Pratt entitled, "Five Techniques
to Improve Diversity Hiring Practices in Your Company Right Now," Pratt points out the correlational link
between improved diversity hiring practices and increased profitability. Pratt shares "Most studies surrounding
diversity in the workplace have found that for every 1% increase in gender diversity, company revenue increases
by 3%. While high levels of ethnic diversity increases revenue by a whopping 15%." When responding to
why these numbers make sense in the hiring practices to probability relationship, Pratt determines that "the
thinking is that when you have a more diverse group representing an organization, you have more opinions,
backgrounds, experience and perspectives on how to run a business, which means it can respond to a wider
range of customer needs, which in turn leads to higher profitability."
With added thought and varying scenarios, Pratt's findings make more and more logical sense. For some of us,
it is difficult to apply and even see ourselves as part of an organization where we may be "the only." Therefore,
we must actively discuss and challenge our hiring law and post hiring practices. We must continue to move
away from fulfilling a diversity quota, and truly think about the students we serve and how we can support
them best with a diverse staff. It supports my thought that it is one thing to have a seat at the table but it is
completely different to be seen and have an actual voice at that table. Often we need to not simply look at who
we are hiring but look at each step and stakeholder involved in the hiring process; particularly at who is being
hired and which candidates are afforded phone interviews versus those that are afforded on campus interviews.
Don't Recreate Your Wheel, Reproduce Theirs
With the increase of diversity awareness, there are still some institutions that are more progressive than others
when implementing diversity practices. It is no secret that some institutions are seemingly slow or stagnant
various factors including due to law legislation dictations, their respective institutional history, or even heavily
impacted by their internal and external leadership. While attending the 2017 ACUHO-I Annual Composition
Exposition (ACE) Conference, one attendee of the religious roundtable session shared what his institution was
doing regarding housing for transgender students. He shared the level of intentionality in thought and action it
takes when incorporating support for the transgender community and considering that institution's Christian
religious affiliation. It was refreshing to hear that not only did they have a supportive structure in place but they
are intentional with the message around their stance on being an inclusive campus as well as with the message
coming from the institution's religious leaders on campus. This shows and shares the collaboration and shared
importance with parents and students during their summer orientation experience. This is but one example. So
SEAHO Report Summer 2017



Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of SEAHO Report - Summer 2017

SEAHO Report - Summer 2017 - Cover1
SEAHO Report - Summer 2017 - Contents
SEAHO Report - Summer 2017 - 3
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SEAHO Report - Summer 2017 - 7
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