The Villages - April 2018 - 32


{ FoR The

oF ART }

Roz Fo x Ca pt u r e s Me mo r i e s
Thro ugh P or t r ai t s
By Mark anderson

Art provides a window into the soul.
For many, art is a deeply personal
means of therapy, expressing oneself or
simply a creative outlet practiced when
time allows.
Roz Fox, of the Village of Mallory
Square, made art more than just a
hobby. She held jobs at Hallmark,
Fisher-Price and other companies that
allowed her to turn her artistic talents
into a career.
Ever since she was a child, Fox was
an artist. Even in grade school, she
found herself doodling on her homework and drawing her fellow students.
"I always did it," Fox said. "I
would draw (the other students)
while we were doing homework in
study hall. I would just constantly
draw people all the time."
After high school, Fox doublemajored in advertising and illustration at Marquette University, even
roz Fox and her sister as children
after her father's insistence that
artists did not make livable wages.
"Yeah dad, but they're famous,"
Fox said in response.
Fox took her artistic talents to well-known
companies, including Hallmark and Fisher-Price, where
she designed greeting cards and children's toys.
At Fisher-Price, Fox worked with engineers to
design, prototype and manufacture new products for
children, often coming up with new toys on her own.
"(The engineers) gave me a block of wood and said,
'Work around this,'" Fox recalled.
Now retired, Fox focuses mostly on portraits and
landscape scenes, where she paints the people and
locations she encounters here in The Villages.
Many of her works focus on people she knows or
meets, often using a single photograph as reference. Fox
takes commissions, and she also occasionally donates
works to charity organizations or people who want to
memorialize a family member or friend.

APRIL 2018


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Villages - April 2018

The Villages - April 2018 - Cover1
The Villages - April 2018 - Contents
The Villages - April 2018 - 1
The Villages - April 2018 - 2
The Villages - April 2018 - 3
The Villages - April 2018 - 4
The Villages - April 2018 - 5
The Villages - April 2018 - 6
The Villages - April 2018 - 7
The Villages - April 2018 - 8
The Villages - April 2018 - 9
The Villages - April 2018 - 10
The Villages - April 2018 - 11
The Villages - April 2018 - 12
The Villages - April 2018 - 13
The Villages - April 2018 - 14
The Villages - April 2018 - 15
The Villages - April 2018 - 16
The Villages - April 2018 - 17
The Villages - April 2018 - 18
The Villages - April 2018 - 19
The Villages - April 2018 - 20
The Villages - April 2018 - 21
The Villages - April 2018 - 22
The Villages - April 2018 - 23
The Villages - April 2018 - 24
The Villages - April 2018 - 25
The Villages - April 2018 - 26
The Villages - April 2018 - 27
The Villages - April 2018 - 28
The Villages - April 2018 - 29
The Villages - April 2018 - 30
The Villages - April 2018 - 31
The Villages - April 2018 - 32
The Villages - April 2018 - 33
The Villages - April 2018 - 34
The Villages - April 2018 - 35
The Villages - April 2018 - 36
The Villages - April 2018 - 37
The Villages - April 2018 - 38
The Villages - April 2018 - 39
The Villages - April 2018 - 40
The Villages - April 2018 - 41
The Villages - April 2018 - 42
The Villages - April 2018 - 43
The Villages - April 2018 - 44
The Villages - April 2018 - 45
The Villages - April 2018 - 46
The Villages - April 2018 - 47
The Villages - April 2018 - 48
The Villages - April 2018 - 49
The Villages - April 2018 - 50
The Villages - April 2018 - 51
The Villages - April 2018 - 52
The Villages - April 2018 - 53
The Villages - April 2018 - 54
The Villages - April 2018 - 55
The Villages - April 2018 - 56
The Villages - April 2018 - 57
The Villages - April 2018 - 58
The Villages - April 2018 - 59
The Villages - April 2018 - 60
The Villages - April 2018 - 61
The Villages - April 2018 - 62
The Villages - April 2018 - 63
The Villages - April 2018 - 64
The Villages - April 2018 - Cover3
The Villages - April 2018 - Cover4