Parking October 2010 - 18

Government, Institutional  and Non-Profit Corner Robert Baer
“By Endurance We Conquer!” proclaimed Sir Ernest Shackleton, (1874–1922), the great Antarctic explorer and leader of men, as he prepared to lead a crew on his second expedition to locate the South Pole in August 1914. Shackelton and his men launched the “Endurance” and set sail on an adventure that would challenge their very existence on a daily basis. Once the “Endurance” reached the Antarctic Circle, it navigated through ice-encrusted waters for hundreds of miles until the ice would not give any more. Shackelton and his crew were stuck in the ice for 10 months, until one day the ice started to move and crushed their ship. They removed three lifeboats from the deck of the “Endurance” and set up camp on the ice. A month later they watched in despair as their ship sank to the bottom of the sea. They camped on the ice for four months until it began to give way under their feet and then took to their lifeboats. They battled the sea for a week before landing at Elephant Island and setting up camp. In the end, Shackelton took a small crew and sailed over 800 miles to reach the island of South Georgia. Upon landing, they had to traverse across an uncharted, frozen, mountain range to reach a whaling station and help on the other side of the island. Once at their destination, Shackelton immediately turned around and led an effort to rescue the other crewmembers left behind on Elephant Island. He never reached the South Pole. What is exceptional about Shackelton in spite of falling short of his goal is the new pinnacle in leadership achieved as he successfully led every crewmember to safety after a twoyear struggle to survive the brutal elements of the Antarctic weather. The brightest and best leaders of the world today are experts at dealing with change. They are able to analyze current conditions and communicate new direction while keeping an eye on the future. That is exactly what Shackelton was able to do by displaying the following leadership qualities:
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Get the best from each individual by understanding each employee’s quirks and weaknesses. Then help each to reach his or her full potential. Lead effectively in a crisis by showing confidence and inspiring optimism in all. Form teams for tough assignments by balancing talent and expertise in each team. Overcome obstacles to reach a goal by taking responsibility for the whole job, finding inspiration to continue and keeping sight of the big picture. Leave a legacy. Shackelton’s leadership had a lifelong impact on his crew, and his appeal spans generations.





Sir Ernest Shackelton led one more expedition to the Antarctic aboard the “Quest” in September 1921. Unfortunately, he suffered a heart attack and died after landing in South Georgia. Once again, he failed to reach his destination; however, in a dramatic showing of loyalty and a testament to his leadership qualities, eight crewmembers from the “Endurance” joined Shackelford on his last voyage. Over the past nine months, NPA’s Executive Committee has led an effort to fill a vacated leadership position. I have sat quietly on the side, as a new member, and watched the veteran leaders take control of the situation. I was thoroughly impressed with the cooperation and teamwork displayed by other members of the Executive Committee as they assessed change, set new goals and managed the process in a way that was professional and complete. I want to commend and thank NPA Chair-Elect Jed Hatfield of Colonial Parking for taking a leadership role in this entire process. On behalf of the entire GINP membership, I would like to welcome our new President, Christine Banning, to the organization. We are very excited to have you on board and look forward to working with you! 
Robert Baer is director of Parking and Transportation at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and represents the Government, Institutional and Non-Profit Division on NPA’s Executive Committee. He can be reached at You can read more about Sir Ernest Shackelton in Shackelton’s Way, a New York Times business bestseller, published by Penguin books and authored by Margot Morrell and Stephen Capparell.

Follow a path to leadership by turning previous experiences into valuable work lessons. Hire an outstanding crew built around a core of experienced workers with unique talents. Create a spirit of camaraderie by breaking down traditional hierarchies through careful observations and fair dealings with staff.




National Parking Association PARKING October 2010


Parking October 2010

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Parking October 2010

Parking October 2010 - c1
Parking October 2010 - c2
Parking October 2010 - 1
Parking October 2010 - 2
Parking October 2010 - 3
Parking October 2010 - 4
Parking October 2010 - 5
Parking October 2010 - 6
Parking October 2010 - 7
Parking October 2010 - 8
Parking October 2010 - 9
Parking October 2010 - 10
Parking October 2010 - 11
Parking October 2010 - 12
Parking October 2010 - 13
Parking October 2010 - 14
Parking October 2010 - 15
Parking October 2010 - 16
Parking October 2010 - 17
Parking October 2010 - 18
Parking October 2010 - 19
Parking October 2010 - 20
Parking October 2010 - 21
Parking October 2010 - 22
Parking October 2010 - 23
Parking October 2010 - 24
Parking October 2010 - 25
Parking October 2010 - 26
Parking October 2010 - 27
Parking October 2010 - 28
Parking October 2010 - 29
Parking October 2010 - 30
Parking October 2010 - 31
Parking October 2010 - 32
Parking October 2010 - 33
Parking October 2010 - 34
Parking October 2010 - 35
Parking October 2010 - 36
Parking October 2010 - 37
Parking October 2010 - 38
Parking October 2010 - 39
Parking October 2010 - 40
Parking October 2010 - 41
Parking October 2010 - 42
Parking October 2010 - 43
Parking October 2010 - 44
Parking October 2010 - 45
Parking October 2010 - 46
Parking October 2010 - 47
Parking October 2010 - 48
Parking October 2010 - 49
Parking October 2010 - 50
Parking October 2010 - 51
Parking October 2010 - 52
Parking October 2010 - 53
Parking October 2010 - 54
Parking October 2010 - 55
Parking October 2010 - 56
Parking October 2010 - 57
Parking October 2010 - 58
Parking October 2010 - 59
Parking October 2010 - 60
Parking October 2010 - 61
Parking October 2010 - 62
Parking October 2010 - 63
Parking October 2010 - 64
Parking October 2010 - 65
Parking October 2010 - 66
Parking October 2010 - 67
Parking October 2010 - 68
Parking October 2010 - 69
Parking October 2010 - 70
Parking October 2010 - 71
Parking October 2010 - 72
Parking October 2010 - 73
Parking October 2010 - 74
Parking October 2010 - 75
Parking October 2010 - 76
Parking October 2010 - 77
Parking October 2010 - 78
Parking October 2010 - 79
Parking October 2010 - 80
Parking October 2010 - c3
Parking October 2010 - c4