Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - 42


having exhibited his work at
galleries and venues around
the world.

published Midnight Sweatlodge,
a collection of short stories,
and Legacy, his first novel.

Kathleen Meliton
Commerce '08

Alexis Esseltine Scoon
Graphic Communications
Management '05 and
Rachel Morier
Graphic Communications
Management '06

Kathleen is the owner of
NEEDS/WANTS clothing
boutique in London. The
retailer launched in November,
following the successful
launch of Comme Moi
Boutique, in Sarnia in 2013.
"The name 'Needs/Wants' is
a playful nod to the question
we all ask ourselves when
making a purchase decision,"
says Kathleen. "Fashion
should be uncomplicated;
it should work with your
existing wardrobe, and have
an accessible price point."
Visit needswantsboutique.ca.

Alexis and Rachel connected
in 2017 in Vancouver after they
both received a master's in
environmental studies. Alexis
is a sustainability manager
at the Vancouver Aquarium,
through the Ocean Wise
initiative, while Rachel is the
director of sustainability at
PAC Packaging Consortium.
They have been working to
bring the conservation and
industry associations together
to develop science-based
business solutions to address
the issue of plastic waste
in the oceans.
Sandy Yong
Hospitality and Tourism
Management '09

Waubgeshig Rice
Journalism '02

Waubgeshig is a journalist,
radio host, and author who
has recently published a new
novel, Moon of the Crusted
Snow. The book focuses on a
post-apocalyptic world from
a First Nations perspective,
following an Indigenous
community in Northern
Ontario's fight to survive by
reconnecting with the land. A
fan of post-apocalyptic fiction,
he says the book was inspired
by the blackout that plunged
parts of Canada and the U.S.
into darkness for several days
in 2003. Waubgeshig has also

Since graduation, Sandy has
become an avid financial
and real estate investor. She
is the author of The Money
Master: Inside Secrets on How
to Make Your Money Grow and
Stay Safe. She hopes to help
people overcome their fears
and failure and get on track
to achieve financial success.
She is happily married to
Albert Ho, Nursing '09. For a
free downloadable copy of her
book, visit sandyyong.com.

Chanequa Cameron
Master's in Early Childhood '16

Chanequa completed a
master's in teaching at the

Ryerson University Magazine / Summer 2019

Chanequa Cameron teaches in Deer Lake First Nation.

University of Toronto. She
writes: "I relocated from
Toronto to Deer Lake First
Nation with my nine-yearold daughter. My perspective
on life and teaching has
transformed, and I can
gladly say that this journey
is changing my life in many
positive ways. I am looking
forward to completing the
school year here in a Grade 4
class that has demonstrated
compassion, the value of
tradition and the importance of
reciprocal teaching."
Matthew Ilkiw
Urban and Regional Planning '18

Matthew is currently working
at the Niagara Escarpment
Commission as a land use
planning assistant. He writes:
"I plan on travelling to
Australia in December and
enrolling in Ryerson's Chang
School to further support my
degree with a certificate in
applied digital geography
and GIS."

Rachel McManus
RTA '10

Rachel worked at MacLaren
McCann for three years after
university. From there, she
worked at Canadian Tire
Corporation as a producer
for all its brands, including
leading the creative and
full production of the video
profiles for inductees into
Canada's Sports Hall of Fame
in 2015 and 2016. After five
years at CTC, she moved
on to a leadership role at
the Toronto-based boutique
agency NYB Media Inc. Both
the female founders of the
company are RTA alumni, who
graduated in 2010. Now as the
head of video production and
development, Rachel leads
creative teams to produce
corporate videos.
Alykhan Neky
Architectural Science '14

Alykhan writes: "After
my eight years at Ryerson
completing first my

http://www.needswantsboutique.ca http://www.sandyyong.com

Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019

Table of Contents
Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - Cover1
Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - Cover2
Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - Table of Contents
Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - 2
Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - 3
Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - 4
Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - 5
Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - 6
Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - 7
Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - 8
Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - 9
Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - 10
Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - 11
Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - 12
Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - 13
Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - 14
Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - 15
Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - 16
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Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - 18
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Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - 21
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Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - Cover3
Ryerson Alumni - Summer 2019 - Cover4