Berks County Medical Society Medical Record Fall 2018 - 10

c o m Pa s s P o i n t s

Yet another Article with a Football Metaphor:

A Big Thank You to Some Very
Important "Lead Blockers"
T.J. Huckleberry, MPA
Executive Director


hile I cannot say I physically benefitted from playing football,
I can safely say that my turbulent grade school career provided
me with a lot of life lessons. As I write my latest article, one very
important experience comes to mind.
I was a scrawny seventh grader playing on the Junior High Football team
when for some reason I told my coach that I wanted to be a running back, a
position I noted was in a shortage. Little did I realize that an underclassman
running back was doomed to be the tackling-bag-on-legs the coaches would
call "the Scout team running back." Now, if you ever saw the Dirty Dozen or
Predator or any movie where the probability of survival was minimal-that
was the scout team. You see, the scout team was an assortment of second
string players pressganged into going up against the starting upperclassmen
defense...and as running back, I was the only one getting tackled.
While I do not exactly recall the first, or second, or third time I was
completely plowed over by a kid twice my size, I do remember the 4th.
That's because that was when I realized that being a running back might not
have been my best idea.
That is also when my coach gave me my first solid piece of advice:
"Sweet @$^$^%# Huckleberry! Running the ball is simple--find the
biggest guy on your side of the ball and run behind him."
While this sage advice did not transform me into Jim Brown, it did
keep me alive for the next six seasons. More importantly it stuck with me
long after I finished playing, especially when dealing with some of the
professional challenges I have faced as your Executive Director. Now I can
hear my coach barking at me:
"Running a Medical Society is simple-find the most reliable, smartest,
and enthusiastic members and work with them!"
For those close to our Medical Society, it will come as no surprise that
two of my go-to "lead blockers" have been Dr. Dan Kimball and Dr. Mike
Baxter. Without these two leaders the improvements and on-going work you
continue to see at BCMS could not have happened.
For example, two years ago our financial strategy was an antiquated
mess. We needed to make some hard choices on what our society really
needed to keep us going for the next 196 years. Moreover, we needed a
leader to help steward the society towards these changes. Thankfully, that



Berks County Medical Society Medical Record Fall 2018

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Berks County Medical Society Medical Record Fall 2018

Berks County Medical Society Medical Record Fall 2018 - 1
Berks County Medical Society Medical Record Fall 2018 - 2
Berks County Medical Society Medical Record Fall 2018 - 3
Berks County Medical Society Medical Record Fall 2018 - 4
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Berks County Medical Society Medical Record Fall 2018 - 8
Berks County Medical Society Medical Record Fall 2018 - 9
Berks County Medical Society Medical Record Fall 2018 - 10
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Berks County Medical Society Medical Record Fall 2018 - 12
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