Delco re:View Winter 2020 - 22

The CUSO Guru:

International "Best-Selling" Author


uy A. Messick is a partner in
Messick Lauer & Smith in Media,
PA, .   Guy is
General Counsel to the National Association
of Credit Union Service Organizations
("NACUSO") and recognized as a CUSO
Pioneer in America's Credit Union Museum
in Manchester, New Hampshire. Credit
union service organizations ('CUSOs')
are collaborations by credit unions that
use economies of scale to reduce costs and
increase the levels of service to credit union
Guy wrote two books that are available
on Amazon.  "My mother is very proud.  
Neither book is the Great American Novel. 
The character development and plot lines are
too thin.   But for credit union folks, they should be of interest."
For over thirty years, Guy has helped credit unions across
the nation plan, form and operate CUSOs.   He has logged over
a million air miles. On behalf of NACUSO and its credit union
members, he has advocated with Congress and federal and
state credit union regulators to maintain a favorable regulatory
climate for credit union collaborations.  "My name became so
closely tied to CUSOs that my nickname became the 'CUSO

22 | Winter 2020

Guru.'  Now that my hair has turned white,
I have finally grown into the brand."
Guy wrote two books to share
knowledge he acquired with his credit
union colleagues.  The first book is entitled
Credit Union Collaborations - Lessons
In concept, collaboration is an easy
sell.   We will be stronger united.   In
practice, a business collaboration requires
considerable skill and effort to create and
maintain.  A business collaboration is an
alternative business model that requires
an understanding of all the issues that
will positively and negatively affect the
alignment of the personal and business
interests of the participants. The book has
26 lessons to keep in mind as you plan a collaboration and a
chapter on how to apply those lessons in creating various types
of collaborations.
"In 2012 and 2016, I was asked by the University of Cork
to teach Irish credit unions about the use of CUSOs.   I learned
that credit unions worldwide face similar competitive problems
and can benefit by developing collaboration skill sets." Payac
Services CLG, Ireland's first payments CUSO, has purchased

Delco re:View Winter 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Delco re:View Winter 2020

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