events | showcase patients without COVID-19. The state also hired Select Event Group to provide tenting for testing sites once it received all its test kits. "It's been a whirlwind and every week our deϐinition of success changes a little bit because every day is a new target," Corgan says. "The importance of this project certainly brought new meaning to our 'purpose in partnership' mantra." Federally funded tenting Stamford Tent & Event Services installed two 25-by-50-meter structures and one 10-by-30-meter Losberger structure to expand medical capacity at a hospital in Paramus, N.J., in response to COVID-19. Photo by Stamford Tent & Event Services. In April, Stamford Tent & Event Services was subcontracted by Indiantown, Fla.-based Disaster Management Group (DMG) to handle the installation of the tents and ϐloors for a hospital in Paramus, N.J. DMG is an international disaster response ϐirm specializing in the design, rapid mobilization, construction D E L I V E R I N G I N D U S T R Y-L E A D I N G Engineered Clearspan Solutions SALES + SERVICE + INVENTORY = RETURN ON INVESTMENT 5050 Kansas Avenue | Kansas City, KS 66106 | 844.289.8368 | | 12 intents 0820IT_10_17.indd 12 aug-sept 2020 7/21/20 7:48 AM