Monitor on Psychology - June 2012 - (Page 77)

Foundation AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL Support for early career research Pearson renews its program that supports research on serious mental illness and other areas of societal need. BY JAMIE CHAMBERLIN Monitor staff Thinkstock earson Clinical, the company best known for its psychological assessments, has donated more than $50,000 to the American Psychological Foundation to continue its support of early career research on serious mental illness and other areas of critical social need. The donation extends for three years the Pearson Early Career Grant program, which has given grants of $12,000 to up-and-coming researchers every year since 2009. “We do a lot to support new science and research because we understand that’s where the next big ideas in psychology are going to come from,” says Carol Watson, president of Pearson’s Clinical Assessment business in North America. Pearson’s first two grantees have already shown great promise in helping people with serious mental illness cope with everyday challenges, says Watson. 2009 grantee Daniel Antonius, PhD, of the New York University School of Medicine, used his award to test a squishy, footballshaped stress ball he designed to help people with serious mental illness defuse their aggression. Antonius also scents the ball with octyl acetate, an orange-smelling chemical compound that research has found can reduce people’s levels of salivary cortisol, a biomarker for stress and agitation. He’s found that the stress ball reduces P patients’ stress, anxiety and anger, and increases their happiness. “Many patients have insisted on taking it home upon being discharged,” from their psychiatric hospital, says Antonius. “Several other departments here are now showing interest in testing it on other clinical populations.” 2010 Pearson grantee Daryn David, PhD, of Yale University School of Medicine, used her funds to develop a pamphlet to help young mothers with serious mental illness balance their mental health needs with their parenting responsibilities. She is now studying whether these mothers have an easier time with parenting once they’ve read her booklet, compared with women who haven’t. In 2013, the Pearson award will offer an additional perk: Each winner will also receive a $1,500 travel stipend so they can present their work at APA’s Annual Convention. The deadline for the 2013 Pearson Early Career Grant is Dec. 31. For more information, go to funding/pearson.aspx. n 77 JUNE 2012 • MONITOR ON PSYCHOLOGY

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Monitor on Psychology - June 2012

Monitor on Psychology - June 2012
President’s column
From the CEO
Give an Hour founder is one of Time magazine’s ‘most influential’
APA treatment guidelines panels are being formed
APA supports ‘Speak Up For Kids’
In Brief
Time Capsule
Random Sample
Judicial Notebook
APA honors Howell
Science Watch
Science Directions
What you should know about online education
Speaking of Education
Psychologist Profile
Redefining masculinity
Miscarriage and loss
Something for everyone
Candidates weigh in
Division Spotlight
American Psychological Foundation

Monitor on Psychology - June 2012